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  • 2016年我国网络订餐规模超3500亿元

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  • 苹果将在华增设两个研发中心 投入超35亿人民币

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  • 史蒂芬·霍金在采访中大谈英国脱欧和特朗普

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  • 盘点五部目前很受欢迎的国产动漫

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  • 广东一中学史上最严'男女交往校规'被叫停

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  • 研发4年的高考机器人 考数学败给文科生

    High school students have defeated an artificial intelligence device designed to pass the national college entrance exam, in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. 最近,四川省成都市某高中的学生们战胜了专门为通过高考而设计的人工...

  • 北京最后1座燃煤电厂于日前关停

    Beijing's last large coal-fired power plant suspended operations last Saturday, meaning the capital has become China's first city with all its power plants fueled by clean energy. 上周六,北京最后一座大型燃煤电厂停机备用,这意味...

  • 美特工处涉密电脑被窃 内有特朗普大厦平面图

    A US Secret Service laptop with Trump Tower floor plans and other sensitive material has been stolen from an agent's vehicle in New York. 日前,一台含有特朗普大楼平面图和其他一些敏感资料的笔记本电脑被从纽约一特工的...

  • 麦当劳APP终于要推移动订单和付款功能了

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