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  • 2020年经济学人 自制游戏(2)

    Tasks that require some collaboration can be satisfying, as when players in Pandemic work together to stop a deadly virus spreading, or when rivals trade resources in Settlers of Catan. 需要一些合作的任务可能会令人满意,比如流行病...

  • 2020年经济学人 英国新移民政策排除英国依赖的主要工作者(1)

    Britain 英国板块 Immigration 移民 Who cares? 谁会在乎呢? New immigration rules would exclude the key workers Britain relies on. Care work isnt just bum wiping, insists Karolina Gerlich. In the 12 years since she swapped her native Poland...

  • 2020年经济学人 困境中的土耳其--困难重重(2)

    The country's gross foreign assets (including gold) stood at over $87bn on May 12th. 5月12日,该国的总外国资产(包括黄金)超过870亿美元。 But on the other side of its balance-sheet, the central bank reports foreign liabilities...

  • 2020年经济学人 困境中的土耳其--困难重重(1)

    Policymakers in emerging markets frequently complain that foreign capital is fickle. 新兴市场的决策人经常抱怨外国资本变化无常。 But foreign capital could be forgiven for having a similar gripe about emerging markets. 但外国资本...

  • 2020年经济学人 安踏疫情期间做了一些巧妙的策略(1)

    Business 商业版块 Chinese brands 中国品牌 Upping the Anta 提升安踏 An ambitious Chinese sportswear firm does some fancy footwork 一家雄心勃勃的中国运动服装公司做了一些巧妙的策略 Ding shizhong, the founder and boss...

  • 2020年经济学人 火鸡工人威利·利瓦伊(4)

    It was not until 2009 that a state social worker went into the schoolhouse, found them all in the stinking rubbish, and rescued them. In 2011 a lawyer for the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission took up their case and won a jury verdict o...

  • 2020年经济学人 自制游戏(1)

    Books arts 文艺版块 Home Entertainment 家庭娱乐 Home-made games 自制游戏 Your turn 轮到你了 For several hours of escape, invent a board game 为了几个小时的逃亡,发明一个棋盘游戏 On a distant planet, a rocket crashes....

  • 2020年经济学人 疫情之下,英国娱乐的回归(2)

    The layout of its shops is being tweaked to discourage people from lingering at high-traffic spots. The government can give regulations. I think you go beyond... The thing that were looking at is reassurance, says John Bason of Associated British Foo...

  • 2020年经济学人 一周要闻 中国4月出口现惊人增长 三星掌门人李在镕道歉 全球死

    Americas Treasury Department said it would auction a new 20-year bond on May 20th. It expects to borrow almost $3trn of debt in the second quarter, a record that far exceeds its quarterly borrowing requirements during the financial crisis of 2007-09....

  • 2020年经济学人 一周要闻 航空业大规模裁员 巴菲特大规模抛售美企股票

    The world this week 世界国际要闻 Business 经济 More swingeing job cuts were announced in the aviation business, an industry that has been hammered by the restrictions on travel. General Electric said 13,000 jobs would go in its aviation divis...

  • 2020年经济学人 道路安全--挑剔的司机(2)

    For voice commands those means fell to four and three seconds respectively. 而语音指令所需时间分别减少至4秒和3秒。 The researchers calculated that reaction times to the red bar 研究人员计算得出,在进行一些任务中,...

  • 2020年经济学人 疫情之下,英国娱乐的回归(1)

    Britain 来自《英国》版块。 First orders 第一批订单 The return of fun 享乐的回归 Non-essential businesses are making plans to reassure customers 非必要企业正制定计划以安抚消费者 Streaming services have replaced the c...

  • 2020年经济学人 火鸡工人威利·利瓦伊(3)

    (Hang 'em! Hang 'em! the supervisor would shout.) Henry's was exploiting them to the very limit of the law. As the years passed, too, conditions got worse. He, like all the brothers, was getting older, not so fast or so alert at wrestling with big bi...

  • 2020年经济学人 道路安全--挑剔的司机(1)

    Step inside most modern cars and instead of all the dials and switches 坐进大多数现代汽车里,你很可能会发现, that used to clutter the dashboard you are likely to find it dominated by a touchscreen. 以前挤在仪表盘里的刻度盘...

  • 2020年经济学人 日本白领努力适应社会距离(2)

    In Japan gaiatsu, or external pressure, often provokes deep changes. 在日本,外部压力常会引发深刻的变化。 It took the arrival of Americas Black Ships in 1853 to end more than 200 years of Japanese isolation. 在1853年,美国黑船的...
