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  • 2020年经济学人 一周要闻 亚马逊拟收购Zoox 股市回暖 华纳音乐计划上市

    Amazon was reportedly in talks to buy Zoox, a startup that is developing electric-powered robotaxis. Amazons interest in autonomous-vehicle technology so far has focused on how it might enhance the delivery of its goods. 据报道,亚马逊正在洽谈...

  • 2020年经济学人 一周要闻 德国斥90亿欧元救汉莎 赫兹申请破产保护 优步在印度

    The world this week 世界国际要闻 Business 经济 The German government offered to bail out Lufthansa, with an equity injection of 6bn euros ($6.6bn) and loans worth 3bn euros. The government, which would own a fifth of the airline, will nominat...

  • 2020年经济学人 疫情与口罩(1)

    This is a, I would say, senseless dividing line, said Doug Burgum, governor of North Dakota, 我认为,这是一条毫无意义的分界线,美国北达科他州道格柏格姆说, his voice catching as he talked of the rows that have broken ou...

  • 2020年经济学人 部落演员安东尼奥·萨尔瓦多(3)

    He did not, like Karamakate, crush yakruna leaves into powder to give people psychedelic dreams. But if he found himself sitting by some unfamiliar plant he would instinctively pluck a leaf and squeeze it, maybe bite into it, to test what it could do...

  • 2020年经济学人 工业废弃地成为房地产巨头的新战场(2)

    It is bard to imagine Stephen Schwamnan, Blackstone's highsociety boss, talking as passionately about the nitty-gritty of logistics as Mr Moghadam (who has a fraction of Mr Schwarzman's wealth). Yet a contest between the king of warehouses and the ba...

  • 2020年经济学人 美国黑人的医疗状况不容乐观(3)

    The advances of the civil-rights period led to a big improvement in black health, which by the mid-70s had levelled off. Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act, which followed the example of Medicaid in trying to improve the health care of all poor Ameri...

  • 2020年经济学人 通货膨胀和股权收益(2)

    There are competing theories for the inverse relationship; many date from the late 1970s and early 1980s. 相反关系中存在各种竞争理论;其中很多要追溯到20世纪70年代末至20世纪80年代。 A paper written by Franco Modigliani...

  • 2020年经济学人 通货膨胀和股权收益(1)

    In place where it has been long absent, it is hard to remember what a curse inflation is. In other places, it is hard to forget it. Take Zimbabwe. 在长期没有通货膨胀的地方,很难记得通货膨胀诅咒是什么。在其他地方,则很...

  • 2020年经济学人 工业废弃地成为房地产巨头的新战场(1)

    Business 商业版块 Schumpeter 熊彼特栏目 The warehouse king 仓库之王 Why industrial wasteland is the new battltground for property giants 工业废弃地为何会成为房地产巨头的新战场 In the late 1990s Hamid Moghadam, an Irani...

  • 2020年经济学人 约翰逊语言专栏--语言与音乐(1)

    Books arts 文艺板块 Johnson 约翰逊栏目 They can feel it all over 他们能感知到一切 The echaes between music and language are revealing about both 从音乐和语言的差异中揭示彼此 One of the liveliest debates in lingistics is...

  • 2020年经济学人 部落演员安东尼奥·萨尔瓦多(2)

    The later expedition also became a search for wisdom. Both Evan and Karamakate had come into the forest to fill the empty shells of themselves, their chullachaquis, with memories, understanding and dreams. Karamakate did so as the last of his tribe....

  • 2020年经济学人 美国黑人的医疗状况不容乐观(1)

    United States 美国版块 Lexington 列克星敦 Black America in peril 美国黑人危在旦夕 The vulnerability of African-Americans to the coronavirus is a national emergency 非裔美国人易感冠状病毒是全国性的紧急情况。 THE MO...

  • 2020年经济学人 船只防污技术(2)

    Bacterial biofilms, as these layers are known technically, are used as anchorages by the larvae of so-called hard growth organisms, 这些层在技术上被称为生物被膜,被所谓硬生长生物体的幼虫用作锚固, such as barnacles and...

  • 2020年经济学人 部落演员安东尼奥·萨尔瓦多(1)

    Antonio Bolivar Salvador (Tiapuyama to his tribe), actor and storyteller, died of covid-19 on April 30th, aged 75 演员兼故事讲述者安东尼奥玻利瓦尔萨尔瓦多(他的部落叫他剃阿普押玛)于4月30日因新冠肺炎去世,享年...

  • 2020年经济学人 船只防污技术(1)

    All Ships suffer from fouling: the build-up below the waterline of shellfish, seaweeds and other organisms. 所有船只都会遭遇污垢:堆积在水线以下的甲壳类动物、海藻以及其他生物体。 This causes drag, which slows the af...
