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  • 2020年经济学人 街头女歌手莉莉·利昂(2)

    When she first put a toe on the streets, in the mid-1930s, there were 30 others. It was a competitive business, but she could not cut her prices; at 20 francs a go, she needed to sell 100 scores at each performance just to pay the rent. Luckily she w...

  • 2020年经济学人 北极探险(2)

    And changing they are, for the extent of the Arctic sea ice in summer has declined by 30% in the past 30 years, and that loss is accelerating. 它们正在发生变化,因为在过去的30年里,北极海冰的面积在夏季减少了30%,而且减...

  • 2020年经济学人 硅谷中的种族问题(2)

    Yet corporate activism will amount to little if tech firms and their financiers do not change how they operate, says Sydney Sykes, co-founder of BLCK VC, a group on a mission to swell the ranks of black venture capitalists in America. Companies must...

  • 2020年经济学人 疫情使美国产妇做出新选择(2)

    Beyond the pandemic, American women face two problems that licensed midwives can help with. First, America is one of only 13 countries where the maternal mortality rate increased between 2000 and 2017, putting it in the august company of Venezuela an...

  • 2020年经济学人 重播"六号特殊犯人"--他不只是一个数字(2)

    It is easy to over-analyse The Prisoner, and many fans have. A banner at a recent anti-lockdown march in London proclaimed (but garbled) Number 6s cry of defiance: I am not a number: I am a free man! According to Andrew Pixleys guide to the series, o...

  • 2020年经济学人 北极探险(1)

    There is lockdown. And then there is lockdown. 船只封锁。国家封锁。 Those who have spent the past weeks allowed out only to exercise and visit the shops 那些在过去几周只被允许出去锻炼和逛商店的人 might spare a thought f...

  • 2020年经济学人 街头女歌手莉莉·利昂(1)

    Lily Lian (ne Liliane Lebon), the last chanteuse on the streets of Paris, died on May 24th, aged 103 莉莉利昂(原名莉莉安勒邦)是巴黎最后一位街头女歌手,她于5月24日去世,享年103岁。 The first of May had a special...

  • 2020年经济学人 硅谷中的种族问题(1)

    Business 商业版块 Race in Silicon Valley 硅谷中的种族 Beyond the pale 出格 The technology industry faces up to its diversity problem 科技产业面临多元化问题 To get a sense of diversity in tech, take a stroll on University Avenue...

  • 2020年经济学人 四十亩地和一头骡子(2)

    Other approaches lead to much bigger sums. One calculates the difference between what slaves were given by way of maintenance, and what free workers were paid. 其他方法的赔偿金额更大。一种方法是计算奴隶维持生活的所需与自由...

  • 2020年经济学人 疫情使美国产妇做出新选择(1)

    The pandemic is making America rethink its shunning of midwifery 这场疫情致使美国重新思考它对接生的回避 In a normal year, Robina Khalid might take on 70-80 clients at her midwifery practice in New York City. But 2020 has not been a...

  • 2020年经济学人 重播"六号特殊犯人"--他不只是一个数字(1)

    Books arts 文艺板块 Home Entertainment 家庭娱乐栏目 Rewatching The Prisoner 重播《六号特殊犯人The Prisoner》 He was not a number 他不只是一个数字 Confinement is not all that makes a cult TV series timely 禁闭主题并不会...

  • 2020年经济学人 部落演员安东尼奥·萨尔瓦多(4)

    The rubber barons who had destroyed his family and much of the region in the early 20th century had been only the bloodiest in a string of invaders and exploiters going back, he reckoned, to Columbus's time. And their place had now been taken by narc...

  • 2020年经济学人 布隆迪的假选举(2)

    Agathon Rwasa, the leader of the CNL, called the election a fiasco and plans to challenge the result in the constitutional court. Yet Burundi's judiciary is not seen as independent. In 2015 the constitutional court ruled in favour of Mr Nkurunziza's...

  • 2020年经济学人 疫情与口罩(2)

    Although scientists cannot experiment on human beings deliberately, 虽然科学家无法蓄意对人类进行实验, some wonder if the world is now carrying out a natural experiment that tests the value of mask-wearing. 但一些人想知道世界是...

  • 2020年经济学人 布鲁迪的假选举(1)

    Middle East Africa 中东和非洲板块 Where dead men vote 死人在哪里投票 Burundi's sham election 布鲁迪的假选举 A landslide victory for the president's hand-picked successor 总统精心挑选的继任者以压倒性优势获胜 As p...
