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  • 常春藤解析英语【61】Saving Blood, Saving Lives捐『血 Saving Blood, Saving Lives 捐『血』一袋,救人一命 by Luke Dodds Having a baby can inspire new parents to try the latest method for ensuring their child's health. _(1)_ Cord blood is collected immediately after a baby is born. The blood is
  • 常春藤解析英语【62】Five Minutes to Midnight Five Minutes to Midnight 滴!答!滴!毁灭倒数计时 by Kevin Lustig The University of Chicago publishes the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, a magazine about topics related to nuclear technology. On the cover of every issue of the magazin
  • 常春藤解析英语【63】The World's Favorite Fish Dish  The World's Favorite Fish Dish Sushi,我的菜! by Jessica Isaacs Nowadays, sushi is popular everywhere from upscale restaurants to household kitchens. However, the methods used in the preparation of sushi today were _(1)_ a way in which some Sou
  • 常春藤解析英语【64】Got Hard Bread and Cheese? Fondu Got Hard Bread and Cheese? Fondue Is for You! 瑞士火锅知多少 by Luke Dodds In the rugged mountains of 18th-century Switzerland, winters could be bitterly cold and last many months.The residents of Canton Neuchatel _(1)_ a clever way to make th
  • 常春藤解析英语【65】60 Tons of Paint浪漫花都的地 60 Tons of Paint 浪漫花都的地标艾菲尔铁塔 by Lars Berry If you'd lived in Paris between 1889 and 1930, you would have enjoyed the sight of the world's tallest building. La Tour Eiffel was named after its head contractor, Gustave Eiffel, a
  • 常春藤解析英语【66】The Virgin Queen女王未出嫁 The Virgin Queen 女王未出嫁 by Matthew Brown Like many historical figures that keep people fascinated, Elizabeth I remains somewhat enigmatic. No one knows the whole truth about the personal aspects of Elizabeth's story. Of course, these things
  • 常春藤解析英语【67】Human Footprint人类足迹 Human Footprint 人类足迹 by Matthew Brown This month, National Geographic Channel presents a special variety of programs inspired by Earth Day. One of these programs, Human Footprint, looks at environmental issues from a fascinating perspective.I
  • 常春藤解析英语【68】A Good Diet正确的减肥饮食 A Good Diet 正确的减肥饮食 by Lars Berry Diet fads are always coming and going. Almost every month, there's a hot new way to lose weight and get _(1)_. In 2003, the Atkins Diet (also known as the Atkins Nutritional Approach) reached _(2)_ a hi
  • 常春藤解析英语【69】The Sea in a Glass鱼儿鱼儿水中 The Sea in a Glass 鱼儿鱼儿水中游 From the ocean comes a lively kind of decoration. 来自海洋,活生生的居家装饰。 Keeping ornamental fish as pets is one of the most popular hobbies in the world. Millions of people keep beautiful f
  • 常春藤解析英语【70】It's Good to Be a Finn波罗的海 It's Good to Be a Finn 波罗的海的女儿 by Kevin Lustig From language to light shows, Finland has many features to explore. 从语言到北极光,芬兰有许多特点值得大家探索。 When visiting Helsinki, the capital of Finland, for th
  • 常春藤解析英语【71】A Solar City太阳能城市 A Solar City 太阳能城市 by Lars Berry A city in China has taken big steps in changing its energy sources. 中国有座城市已大大改变了其所仰赖的能源。 Practically everything around your home that was made in a factory owes its ex
  • 常春藤解析英语【72】The Beijing Water Cube 北京水立 The Beijing Water Cube 北京水立方 by Lars Berry The Water Cube is set to make a splash for the 2008 Olympics. 北京水立方势必在 2008 年奥运会引起轰动。 China is no doubt one the most remarkable places in the world today, particul
  • 常春藤解析英语【73】Mysterious, Magical Moldavite神秘 Mysterious, Magical Moldavite 神秘的魔法石-捷克陨石 by Luke Dodds This little-known and otherworldly stone is full of beauty and mystery. 这种鲜为人知的石头来自『另一个世界』,美丽且神秘。 With its strangewrinkled
  • 常春藤解析英语【74】Parkour 飞檐走壁的跑酷 Parkour 飞檐走壁的跑酷 The art of running up walls 飞檐走壁的极限艺术 by David Archdall To the untrained eye, parkour (跑酷) looks as absurd as it does dangerous. Participants, known as traceurs (练习者), throw themselves around
  • 常春藤解析英语【75】The Spirit of Spain 热情洋溢西 The Spirit of Spain 热情洋溢西班牙 Spain looks pretty small on a world map, but this country has produced an extraordinary culture. 在世界地图上看似渺小,西班牙这个国家却创造出璀璨的文化。 by Luke Dodds and Matthew