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相关教程: 纯正地道美语
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    Having Bad Credit 信用不佳 Alisha: This is the second time Ive been turned down for a credit card in a month. I dont know what Im doing wrong. 这是我一个月之内第二次信用卡被拒了。我不知道自己做错了什么。 James: Have...

  • 纯正地道美语第350期(外教讲解):Being Tidy and Messy 整洁和邋遢

    Being Tidy and Messy 整洁和邋遢 A:It is beyond me how you and Oscar can be roommates. Youre very tidy and hes, well, a slob. 我真不明白你和Oscar怎么能成为室友的。你如此整洁,而他那么邋遢。 B:Its not always easy,...

  • 纯正地道美语第349期(外教讲解):Household Chores 家务琐事

    Household Chores 家务琐事 A: Kevin, what is this mess? It looks like a pigsty in here! Clean this up! 凯文,这里怎么这么乱?看起来像个猪圈!整理一下! B: Ok dad, I will do it in a minute, let me just finish this level of t...

  • 纯正地道美语第348期(外教讲解):Hiring Help 找帮手

    A: Can you help me write a newspaper ad? 你能帮我写一个报纸广告吗? B: Sure, what are you looking to buy or sell? 当然,我想买什么或者卖什么吗? A: Actually, I want to hire someone to help me around the house. 当然了,我...

  • 纯正地道美语第347期(外教讲解):和父母住在一起

    Living With Your Parents 和父母住在一起 A : Why did your girlfriend break up with you? 为什么你女友和你分开了? B : I don't know, she said she was tired of me not manning up and being more independent, which I think is all a bunch...

  • 纯正地道美语(外教讲解)346:你感觉如何?

    What Mood Are You In? 你现在感觉如何? A : Are you ok? You seem a bit anxious. 你现在好吗?你看上去有点紧张。 B : Yeah, I'm OK, I have been having a lot of mood swings lately. I think it has to do with the pills my doctor presc...

  • 纯正地道美语(外教讲解)345:Fast Food 快餐

    A : I'm hungry, let's order up something to eat. 我饿了,我们点点东西吃吧。 B : Ok, maybe we can order a soup and a salad from the restaurant down the street. 好的,也许我们去街边的饭店点些汤和色拉。 A : I was thinkin...

  • 纯正地道美语(外教讲解)344:Urban Legends 都市传奇

    Urban Legends 都市传奇 A : Have you read all these crazy things that are going on around the world? 你读了所有遍布全世界疯狂的事了吗? B : What do you mean? 你是什么意思? A : I was reading about how some people get tricke...

  • 纯正地道美语(外教讲解)343:E-mail Scam 电邮欺诈

    E-mail Scam 电邮欺诈 A : I got an urgent email from Tom! He says he is in London and got robbed and needs us to wire him some money for his hotel. 我收到汤姆发来的紧急邮件!他说他在伦敦遭抢了,需要我给他在的宾馆电汇...

  • 纯正地道美语(外教讲解)342:Text Me 发短消息给我

    A : Why didn't you text me last night? 昨晚你为什么不给我发信息? B : What? I sent you three or four messages! 什么?我给你发了三四条短信! A : I didn't get any of them. I was waiting for you to text me the address of where...

  • 纯正地道美语(外教讲解)341:晚餐预定

    Making A Dinner Reservation 晚餐预定 A : Bruno Bistro, how may I help you? 布鲁诺的小酒馆,我能为您做点什么? B : Yes, hello, I would like to make a reservation please. 是的,你好,我想预定晚餐。 A : Certainly sir, F...

  • 纯正地道美语(外教讲解)340:Coins and Money 硬币和纸

    A : Help me organize these coins. 帮我理一下那些硬币。 B : That's a lot of money! What did you do? Break the piggy bank? 这么多钱!你做什么了?把存钱罐打碎了吗? A : Yeah, I'm gonna go to the bank and change it for bills...

  • 纯正地道美语(外教讲解)339:Lending Money借钱

    A: Can I borrow five bucks? 能借给我5美元吗? B: No! 不行! A: Come on! I'll pay you back on Tuesday. 拜托!我周三就会还给你。 B: Last time I lent you money, you never paid me back. 上次你借我钱,到现在还没有还。...

  • 纯正地道美语(外教讲解)338:Homeschooling 在家教育

    A : I think we should home school our children when we decide to have kids. 我认为当我们决定有孩子的时候应该在家教育他们。 B : What? Why? 什么?为什么? A : Well, our public schools here are not very good and private sch...

  • 纯正地道美语(外教讲解)337:College Life 校园生活

    A : Hey, Jordan, is that you? Long time no see! 嘿,乔丹,是你吗?好久不见! B : Oh, hey, no kidding! I haven't seen you since orientation three months ago! So how've you been? Settling into college life OK? 哦,嘿,真的是这样啊...
