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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>跟着美剧练发音>
  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语144期

    【英文】This party is just going to suck. 【翻译】这个派对一定很糟糕...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语143期

    【英文】Dear diary,I couldn't have been more wrong. I thought that I could smile, nod my way through it.pretend like it would all be OK.I had a plan.I wanted to change who I was,create a life as someone new.someone without the past.Without the pa...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语142期

    【英文】 They dont give these awards to people who don't deserve them. 【翻译】 他们不会把奖颁给没实力的人。...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语141期

    【英文】 Now that i think about it. Maybe we should crash the shoot anyway. And see who they replace me with. Make fun of the skinny bitch? 【翻译】 现在我在想,可能我们还在那去玩玩,看看他们找谁代替了我,去嘲笑一...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语140期

    【英文】Stop fighting it, just give in to it. I don't know why I'm quoting a rapist. 【翻译】与其奋力挣扎,不如闭眼享受。奇怪,我为冇要用强奸犯的台词.....

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语139期

    【英文】Stop fighting it, just give in to it. I don't know why I'm quoting a rapist. 【翻译】与其奋力挣扎,不如闭眼享受。奇怪,我为冇要用强奸犯的台词.....

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语138期

    【英文】He really needs to dial it down. 【翻译】他真的需要降降温...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语137期

    【英文】Ross,listen.Do you know that right now your baby is only this big? 【翻译】罗斯 你知道你的孩子现在就这么大吗...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语136期

    【英文】I lost control today. Everything I've kept buried inside came rushing to the surface. I'm simply not able to resist her. 【翻译】我今天失控了。我已经深埋内心的一切都冲破了束缚。我只是无法抗拒她。...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语135期

    【英文】 There is nothing i can do about this.?do you understand me? 【翻译】 这种事我无能为力,你听清楚了吗。...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语134期

    【英文】 The rules for a model the day of a photo shoot are similar to those of a patient pre surgery--No food or drink 12 hours prior, wear comfortable clothing and make sure your affairs are in order. You never know what could go wrong in a fla...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语133期

    【英文】 my mother's favorite holiday was Thanksgiving. Her goal was to make it the perfect day, down to every last detail. 【翻译】 我妈最喜欢的节日是感恩节,她的目标是让那天成为最完美的一天,任何细节都要完...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语132期

    【英文】Well, your father's probably made that many new friends in prison, so it all evens out. 【翻译】没准你爸在牢里也交了这么多新朋友呢,有得必有失嘛。(前文是Caroline在感慨她的facebook好友在父亲入狱后...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语131期

    【英文】oh,what fresh hell is this? 【翻译】噢,门铃又怎么了...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语130期

    【英文】No,I mean it.I mean,when I read Euphoria at midnight,all I wanted to do was become a writer。 【翻译】不 我是说真的 我读《爽在午夜》时 满脑子就想当个作家...
