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  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(17) SEVENTEEN Chapter 9 ANNA walked in with bowed head, playing with the tassels of her hood. Her face shone with a vivid glow, but it was not a joyous glow it resembled the terrible glow of a conflagration on a dark night. On seeing her husband she lift
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(18) EIGHTEEN Chapter 13 LEVIN put on his high boots and, for the first time, a cloth coat instead of a fur, and went out to attend to his farm. Stepping now on a piece of ice, now into the sticky mud, he crossed the stream of dazzling water. Spring is th
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(19) NINETEEN Chapter 15 THE place where they were going to shoot was not far away, by a stream among young aspen trees. When they had reached the wood Levin got down and led Oblonsky to the corner of a mossy and marshy glade, already free from snow. He h
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(20) TWENTY Yes, yes, there are all sorts of improvements in everything now, said Oblonsky with a moist and beautiful yawn. In the theatres for instance and all places of amusement. . . . Oh, oh, oh! he yawned. Electric light everywhere. Oh, oh! Yes, elec
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(21) TWENTY-ONE Chapter 21 THE temporary stable, a wooden structure, had been built close to the racecourse, and it was there his mare was to have been brought the day before. He had not yet been to look at her. During these last days he had not exercised
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(22) TWENTY-TWO Vronsky could not understand how she, with her strong honest nature, could endure this state of deception and not wish to escape from it; but he did not guess that the chief cause lay in the one word son which she could not bring herself t
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(23) TWENTY-THREE There remained the most difficult obstacle; if he crossed it ahead of the others, he would come in first. He was galloping up to the Irish bank. He and Frou-Frou both saw the bank while still some way off and to both of them came a momen
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(24) TWENTY-FOUR Chapter 28 WHEN Karenin appeared at the racecourse Anna was already sitting beside Betsy in the Grand Stand: the stand where all the highest Society was assembled. She saw her husband from afar. Two men her husband and her lover were the
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(25) TWENTY-FIVE This Russian girl, Kitty decided, was not related to Madame Stahl, but neither was she a paid companion. Madame Stahl called her by the diminutive Varenka, and others called her Mademoiselle Varenka. But besides the fact that it intereste
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(26) TWENTY-SIX However, while waiting for the time when she could put her plans into operation on a larger scale, Kitty, imitating Varenka, here at the watering-place where there were so many sick and unhappy people, easily found opportunities to apply h
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(27) TWENTY-SEVEN It all depends on what time! There are times when one would give a whole month for a shilling and there are times when you would not give half an hour at any price. Is not that so, Kitty? Why are you so glum? Im all right. Where are you
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(28) TWENTY-EIGHT Constantine felt himself morally cornered, and in consequence became excited and involuntarily betrayed the chief cause of his indifference to social questions. All this may be very good, but why should I trouble about medical centres wh
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  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(30) THIRTY Chapter 8 AT the end of May, when the house was more or less in order, Dolly received from her husband an answer to her letter of complaint. He wrote asking her to forgive his not having seen to everything, and saying that he would come as soo
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(31) THIRTY-ONE Levin arrived at his sisters village at noon and left his horse with a friendly old peasant, the husband of his brothers nurse. Wishing to hear particulars of the hay-harvest from this old man, Levin went to speak to him in his apiary. Par