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  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(32) THIRTY-TWO This would happen: I, knowing beforehand that matters would never be allowed to reach a dangerous point, should have challenged a man in order to cover myself with false glamour. That would be dishonest, it would be false, it would be dece
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(33) THIRTY-THREE Serezha, she said as soon as the governess had gone away, it was wrong, but you wont do it again? . . . You love me? She felt the tears coming into her eyes. As if I could help loving him, she said to herself looking into his frightened
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(34) THIRTY-FOUR Chapter 18 SOUNDS of footsteps and a mans voice, then that of a woman followed by laughter, reached them, and the expected visitors entered the room, Sappho Stolz and a young man, shining with a super-abundance of health, known as Vaska.
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(35) THIRTY-FIVE Chapter 21 I HAVE come for you; your washing has taken a long time! said Petritsky. Well, is it done? Yes, its done, said Vronsky, smiling with his eyes and twirling the ends of his moustache as carefully as if, after the order he had est
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(36) THIRTY-SIX Chapter 23 ON Monday the usual meeting of the Committee of the Second of July took place. Karenin entered the Council room, greeted the members and the president as usual, and took his seat, his hand lying ready on the papers before him. A
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(37) THIRTY-SEVEN Chapter 26 SVIYAZHSKY was Marshal of the Nobility in his district. He was five years older than Levin and had long been married. His young sister-in-law, whom Levin thought very pleasant, lived with them. He knew that both Sviyazhsky and
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(38) THIRTY-EIGHT Chapter 28 LEVIN felt intolerably bored by the ladies that evening. He was more than ever excited by the thought that the dissatisfaction with work on the land which he now experienced was not an exceptional state of mind, but the result
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(39) THIRTY-NINE Chapter 30 BY the end of September the timber for the buildings to be erected on the land let to the peasant-group was carted, the butter was all sold and the profits divided. Everything on the estate was going well practically, at least
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(40) FORTY PART FOUR Chapter 1 THE Karenins, husband and wife, continued to live in the same house and to meet daily, but they were wholly estranged, Karenin made it a rule to see his wife every day, so as not to give the servants any grounds for making c
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(41) FORTY-ONE Chapter 4 KARENIN after meeting Vronsky in his own porch went on as had been his intention to the Italian Opera. He sat through the first two acts and saw everybody that it was necessary for him to see. On his return home he carefully looke
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(42) FORTY-TWO Chapter 6 KARENIN had gained a brilliant victory at the Committee Meeting of the seventeenth of August; but the consequence of that victory undermined his power. The new committee for investigating the conditions of the subject races from e
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(43) FORTY-THREE Chapter 9 IT was past five, and some of the visitors had already arrived, when the master of the house came home. He entered together with Sergius Ivanich Koznyshev and Pestsov, who had met on the doorstep. These two were the chief repres
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(44) FORTY-FOUR Chapter 11 EVERYBODY took part in the general conversation except Kitty and Levin. At first when the influence of one nation on another was being talked about, thoughts of what he had to say on the subject involuntarily came into Levins mi
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(45) FORTY-FIVE Chapter 14 WHEN Kitty had left and Levin remained alone he felt so restless without her and so impatient to live more and more quickly through the hours till morning when he would see her again and be united to her for good, that he dreade
  • 【有声英语文学名著】安娜卡列宁娜(46) FORTY-SIX Their conversation was interrupted by Mlle Linon, who with a feigned yet affectionate smile came to congratulate her favourite pupil. Before she had gone out, the servants entered with their congratulations. Afterwards relatives arrived, an