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  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第61期:把食物弄的漂漂亮亮的

    Unit 61:Make your food beautiful 第61单元:把食物弄的漂漂亮亮的 Eating foods that are prepared in a tasty and attractive manner can actually burn more calories. 食用精心调理得美味诱人的食物,实际上是可以燃烧掉较...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第60期:吃东西要讲求气氛

    Unit 60 Eat with ambience. Unit 60 吃东西要讲求气氛 Attractive placemats or a good-looking tablecloth,nice dishes,good lighting and maybe even a little background music are ingredients for a satisfying meal.Use muted colors in your table deco...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第59期:吃东西要像小孩一样

    Unit 59 Eat like a kid. Unit 59 吃东西要像小孩一样 Sandy Donovan.41,eats with a kid-size fork.A small fork holds less food but still lets me feel like I'm getting a mouthful,she says.Sandy lost 40 pounds five years ago and has kept it off wi...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第58期:把食物放在盘子上

    Unit 58 Put your food on a plate. Unit 58 把食物放在盘子上 Some people's pets eat better than they do.Fido gets a plate for his doggie stew.but Phyllis eats straight out of the plastic package or bag.When you do that,you can't see what you're...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第57期:留意替代品

    Unit 57 Be on the ookout for substitutes Unit 57 留意替代品 Every day is a day of discovery.Yesterday,you found out that frozen yogurt tastes as good as ice cream but with a lot fewer calories,Today,you put mustard on your sandwich instead of ma...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第56期:改吃素吧

    Unit 56 Become a vegetarian. Unit 56 改吃素吧 A vegetarian diet incorporated into a low-calorie diet can increase energy-producing protein while keeping fat content low,according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Associa...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第55期:多吃纤维质

    Unit 55 Eat more fiber. Unit 55 多吃纤维质 Fiber is naturally present in complex carbohydrates like fruits,vegetables and whole grains.It's also a natural weightloss aid.Added to a low-calorie diet.fiber reduces hunger and alleviates constipatio...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第54期:服用适合自己的维他命

    Unit 54 Take your vitamins Unit 54 服用适合自己的维他命 You won't lose more weight by taking vitamin and mineral supplements,but you will get the proper balance of nutrients to keep you in top shape while you lose weight. 服用维他命和矿...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第53期:留心你外带回家的食物

    Unit 53 Watch what you take in with take-out. Unit 53 留心你外带回家的食物 It's so easy to pick up a pizza on the way home or order out and wait for the doorbell to ring! Order wisely. 在回家的路上外带一份比萨,或是打外送专...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第52期:旅游时携带有利节食的食物

    Unit 52 Travel with diet-friendly food Unit 52 旅游时携带有利节食的食物 You're on the road when your stomach tells you it's time to eat.That's when you discover that your choices are limited to cheeseburgers,fried chicken or ice cream,the...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第51期:别受大伙的影响

    Unit 51 Don't be swayed by the crowd. Unit 51 别受大伙的影响 Researchers say that if you eat with a large crowd,you usually eat more.It's as if sharing a bountiful meal stimulates the appetite.No,we're not suggesting that you isolate yourself...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第50期:采取行动

    Unit 50 Make a move. Unit 50 采取行动 Where you live can make a difference in your diet,says a study in the Journal of American College Health.Researchers at Washington State University compared the daily food choices made by male and female stud...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第49期:每周一天茶水蔬菜日

    Unit 49 Have Weekly tea-vegetable days Unit 49 每周一天茶水蔬菜日 In a German study,158 overweight patients were put on a weight-loss program for several weeks,In addition to a low-calorie diet,they had a weekly tea-vegetable day when they d...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第48期:别让自己置身食物堆中

    Unit 48 Dont expose yourself. Unit 48 用眼不见,心不想来战胜自己的食欲吧 A surefire technique for wrecking any diet is to expose yourself to food you're trying to avoid.This sounds like common sense,but many a self-confident dieter i...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第47期:当心你一时的冲动

    Unit 47 Watch your impulses. Unit 47 谨慎点,别冲动 Dieters appear to be more impulsive than non-dieters,say researchers at a midwestern college,An experirment was conducted with a group of male and female students,some of them reporting tha...
