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  • 纪录片《长生不老》 31素食主义者 Rhea Tauber is 102 雷亚伯塔今年102岁 and part of Nir's study. 是尼尔研究的对象之一 The chances of living to 100 are only one in 10,000. 活到100岁的机会只有万分之一 The question for Nir was how much of their 尼尔的问题是
  • 纪录片《长生不老》 32肥胖和超重 In fact, Rhea, it turns out, 事实证明 瑞亚 is typical of what he's found in his study. 就是他研究中的一个典型 These centenarians do have strong personalities 这些百岁老人性格开朗 but they've not given their health too much
  • 纪录片《长生不老》 33基因决定长寿? It seems there are two rules, 看起来有两条自然规律 one for these special centenarians 一条是针对那些特别的百岁老人 and one for everyone else. 一条是针对其他人 For most of us, 对于大部分人来说 our health depends
  • 纪录片《长生不老》 34老年痴呆 After five years of analysing the blood samples, 在对血样进行了五年的分析之后 Nir finally had some results. 尼尔终于有所发现 He found a gene key to longevity 他发现了一个与寿命有关的基因 and has since found two mor
  • 纪录片《长生不老》 35治疗和预防老年病的方法 But what's more surprising is that he believes 但最惊讶的是 it's possible for us all to benefit from what he's discovered. 他相信我们都会从他的发现中获益 The advantages of finding a gene that is involving longevity 发现导致长寿
  • 纪录片《长生不老》 36白发很粗糙 Even if you have spectacular genes, 尽管你有特殊的基因 eventually we expect to see and feel the signs of age. 我们仍能感受到年龄的变化 Our pigment and skin cells 我们的色素和皮肤的细胞 simply can't replace themselves a
  • 纪录片《长生不老》 37重新变成孩子 Ageing to me is not being able to do what you used to do. 对于我来说 变老就是不能再做以前的事 I don't even cook now. 我现在都不做饭了 I still like to do my own thing 我还在打理自己的事情 but there's limits 但也很有
  • 纪录片《长生不老》 38已经不想活着了 I saw with my grandmother who died at the start of the summer, 我患有老人痴呆症的祖母 she developed Alzheimer's, 在初夏去世了 I think for the last six years of her life, 我觉得她在世的最后六年里 she didn't want to be aliv
  • 纪录片《长生不老》 39风烛残年 The male volunteers, all over 75, 男性志愿者都超过75岁 were going to be taken back in time. 他们将做一次时空倒流实验 They were going to live as if it was actually 1959. 他们将像1959年那样生活 But getting these men 让这些
  • 纪录片《长生不老》 40自己变得年轻 Professor Ellen Langer was testing mind over body. 艾伦朗吉教授通过对思想进行控制测试身体 If you made people think they 如果让这些人觉得 were years younger, would their bodies follow? 自己变年轻 他们的身体会有相同
  • 纪录片《长生不老》 41摆脱世俗的束缚 By the second day, everyone was 到第二天 actively involved in serving meals and clearing away. 所有人都很积极的做饭和清洁 Ellen was changing the routines 艾伦改变了 and habits they'd built up over the last 20 years, 他们在过去
  • 纪录片《长生不老》 42智力增加了 We got a difference in their dexterity, 他们变得更灵巧了 a difference in their joint flexibility, their gait. 关节更灵活了 步伐更快了 They were able to move faster, they stood taller, 他们能移动的更快 站的更直 their cog
  • 纪录片《长生不老》 43比想象中老 I probably think I look older than 看到这些照片前 I thought I looked before I looked at these pictures! 我可能认为我比想象中的老 There are some people for 对于有一些人 whom age looms very large in understanding 年龄让他们很
  • 纪录片《长生不老》 44揭秘抗衰老的成因 So psychology is telling us 心理学告诉我们 that how we age is a lot more open than we thought. 年龄比想象中坦诚 As for the future of other scientific interventions, 有未来的其他科学的介入 how soon should we realistically exp
  • 纪录片《长生不老》 45快乐的老人 It looks like there isn't going to be one answer to ageing 看来衰老的原因并不只有一个 but while science grapples with this enormous task, 但是在这个庞大的科学探索中 we know our views will affect how we actually age. 我们知道