纪录片《非洲》 第16期:喀拉哈里沙漠(16)
搜索 复制 Is it all on camera, too? 摄像机拍下来了吗 These images have a particular poignancy in a world 那些画面其实看着很心酸 因为在当今世界 where rhino horn is worth more than its weight in gold. 犀牛角比同等重量
纪录片《非洲》 第17期:萨瓦纳大草原(1)
搜索 复制 Meltwater flows down from the glaciers. 冰雪融水从冰川滚滚而下 And on the lower slopes, 到了低缓的山坡 all this water supports thick jungle... 便会滋润茂密的丛林 ..remnants of the dense, steamy forests 那曾经
纪录片《非洲》 第18期:萨瓦纳大草原(2)
搜索 复制 Not exactly what she was after. 她想抓的可不是这根木头 Deeper into the swamp, lies the reason for all this fishing. 她为什么要抓鱼呢 答案就在沼泽深处 This chick is just three weeks old 眼前的小雏鸟只有三
纪录片《非洲》 第19期:萨瓦纳大草原(3)
搜索 复制 As their mother returns, 它们的母亲回来了 she sees what the larger chick has done. 她看到了大雏鸟的所作所为 The smaller chick seeks its mother's comfort. 小雏鸟来寻求母亲的安慰 But she has already made her
纪录片《非洲》 第20期:萨瓦纳大草原(4)
搜索 复制 There are places even more hostile than the dust-choked plains. 比尘土飞扬的平原更恶劣的生存环境也大有所在 These alien landscapes are actually the sun-baked salt crusts 眼前奇异的景象是延绵在非洲东部的
纪录片《非洲》 第21期:萨瓦纳大草原(5)
搜索 复制 Ten million fruit bats are drawn to this tiny forest, 数以千万计的果蝠降落在这片 on the edge of the eastern savannah. 位于东部大草原边界的小森林上 The bats flock here to gorge themselves on fruit. 它们贪婪地
纪录片《非洲》 第22期:萨瓦纳大草原(6)
搜索 复制 Three days of battle is at an end. 三天的决斗已经接近尾声 The victor has won the right to the females. 胜利者赢得了与母象的交配权 The process to replace what the drought took away has begun. 干旱造成的创伤正
纪录片《非洲》 第23期:萨瓦纳大草原(7)
搜索 复制 Filming in East Africa 在东非进行拍摄 would take the team on both a physical and emotional journey 对摄制组的身体和精神都是极大的考验 through the extremes of this landscape. 去体验这片大地上的极致环境
纪录片《非洲》 第24期:萨瓦纳大草原(8)
搜索 复制 Just after we set off, it started raining, 我们刚出发 就开始下雨了 then it started hailing. 过一会又开始下冰雹 And the idea had been that we'd stop here for an hour or two 原本我们是计划在这里停留一到两小
纪录片《非洲》 第25期:萨瓦纳大草原(9)
搜索 复制 Well, this is, believe it or not, one of the better viewpoints 信不信由你 这里是最好的观景点之一 so...probably going to hang around here for a little while, 所以我们得在这待一会儿 wait till the fog clears. 等待
纪录片《非洲》 第26期:萨瓦纳大草原(10)
搜索 复制 The Rain makers are certainly living up to their name, 造雨师不负盛名 but by complete contrast, 但完全相反的是 other parts of East Africa were gripped by drought. 东非的其他地区却被干旱控制 At the beginning of
纪录片《非洲》 第27期:萨瓦纳大草原(11)
搜索 复制 Mark knew that many of the calves would not survive. 马克深知许多小象无法生存下去 Although desperately painful to witness, 尽管目睹这一切令人心疼万分 nothing would convey the cruel power of the drought 但没什
纪录片《非洲》 第28期:萨瓦纳大草原(12)
搜索 复制 Although too late to save the calf, 虽然对于挽救小象为时已晚 a few months later, the rains did finally return. 几个月之后 雨水最终降下了 When we returned, it was amazing. 当我们返回这里 眼前的景象令人
纪录片《非洲》 第29期:刚果雨林(1)
搜索 复制 She uses special tools, one after another, 她使用特别的工具 一件接着一件 to get all the honey she can, 以便能吃到所有蜂蜜 and in a few minutes, 不到几分钟 she destroys what took the bees years to build. 她就将
纪录片《非洲》 第30期:刚果雨林(2)
搜索 复制 Down here there are animals, too, that seek out the sunlight. 在这下面也有些动物 是喜光的 The forest's largest predator. 森林中最大的掠食者 A female rock python. 一条雌岩蟒 Her body is five metres long, 她的身
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