纪录片《非洲》 第46期:好望角(4)
搜索 复制 Whiskered catfish work as a team. 长须鲶鱼正在进行团体作业 They take a gulp of air at the surface 他们浮出水面深吸一口气 and then belch it out underwater to create a net of bubbles. 再潜入水底将气吐出 织成
纪录片《非洲》 第47期:好望角(5)
搜索 复制 The rainwater, briefly held in Gorongosa's swamp, 雨水在戈龙戈萨沼泽稍作停留 has now been enriched with silt and sand. 流向下游时 泥沙含量逐渐增加 All down this coast, sediment-laden rivers- 沿东南海岸望去
纪录片《非洲》 第48期:好望角(6)
搜索 复制 Now, many miles from their natural home, 现在 家乡已在数英里之外 and in response to an unknown cue, 或许是收到某种未知的信号 they stop and begin to circle. 他们停下来开始围成一圈 Other marine fish that
纪录片《非洲》 第49期:好望角(7)
搜索 复制 These sheer cliffs, rising to over 3,000 metres, 那些陡峭的山崖 高耸3000多米 hold back the advancing rain clouds 挡住了前进的雨云 and, as a result, the land beyond them is starved of water. 导致山脉之后的土地干
纪录片《非洲》 第50期:好望角(8)
搜索 复制 A dense coat of feathers 厚实的羽毛外皮 that keeps her warm in cold seas 在冰冷的海水中能保暖 now stifles her. 现在却捂得她发晕 On these exposed rocks, 在这些被曝晒的岩石上 she must shade her eggs inst
纪录片《非洲》 第51期:好望角(9)
搜索 复制 He greets his young for the very first time. 他第一次跟他的孩子们打了招呼 The coolness of the Benguela Current brought the penguins here 凉爽的本格拉洋流将企鹅带到了这里 but that very coolness is a great di
纪录片《非洲》 第52期:好望角(10)
搜索 复制 The morning sun opens a Namaqua daisy, 纳马夸雏菊在晨光中开放 and reveals a male monkey beetle asleep inside. 暴露了一只在里面沉睡的雄性金龟子 Nights here are so cold that monkey beetles shelter within 这里的
纪录片《非洲》 第53期:好望角(11)
搜索 复制 And shadowing them... 而紧随他们身后的是 ..Africa's biggest predator. 非洲最大的食肉动物 A Bryde's whale. 布氏鲸 This female is 15 metres long 这条雌鲸有15米长 and weighs more than a whole family of elephants
纪录片《非洲》 第54期:好望角(12)
搜索 复制 The Comoro Islands of Africa's east coast 非洲东海岸的科摩罗群岛 are a haven for green turtles. 是绿海龟的天堂 Every year, a million turtles hatch on these beaches, 海滩上每年都有上百万只小海龟孵化 but
纪录片《非洲》 第55期:好望角(13)
搜索 复制 As they break out of all the soft sand, they hit the hard sand 他们先是爬过软沙滩 接着爬上硬沙滩 and that's where the real sprint takes place. 然后他们开始全力冲刺 They must be desperate to hit that water, 他们
纪录片《非洲》 第56期:好望角(14)
搜索 复制 The turtles that escape the perils of the beach 小海龟们逃脱了海滩上的危机 still have to face pounding surf. 接踵而来的是海浪的重击 But, at last, they're in their element. 但是最终 他们如鱼得水般获救
纪录片《非洲》 第57期:好望角(15)
搜索 复制 A particularly high spring tide flooded the beach. 一波超高的海浪涌上沙滩 Any baby turtles still in their nests 尚被埋在巢穴深处的小海龟 would be lucky to survive. 能否幸存就得看运气了 See it bubbling ou
纪录片《非洲》 第58期:好望角(16)
搜索 复制 The whole village comes to help the hatchlings. 全村的人都会帮助这些刚孵化的小家伙们 But the most important effort 但最重要的工作 is to protect the adults 是保护成年海龟 from outsiders who would hunt them
纪录片《非洲》 第59期:好望角(17)
搜索 复制 You can't see where you're going 我看不见前进方向 because my head's glued to this viewfinder, 因为我的头和取景器是连在一起的 so I'm banging into rocks and things like that. 所以我时不时会撞上石头什么的
纪录片《非洲》 第60期:撒哈拉沙漠(1)
搜索 复制 High in Morocco's Atlas Mountains, 在摩洛哥阿特拉斯山脉高耸的群山中 Barbary macaques shiver in the icy cedars. 巴巴利猕猴躲在冰冷的雪松中颤抖 The ancestors of these monkeys fled here 这些猕猴的祖先逃
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