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  • 英语俚语天天说 第256期:录取通知书英文这么讲 介绍: admission notice /?d?m??n/ enrollment notification /?n?ro?lm?nt/ /?no?t?f??ke??n/ admission notification enroll /?n?ro?l/ v. 使加入,注册 He is enrolled as a part-time student. 他注册修读非全日制课程。 Admit /?d?m?t/ v. 承认
  • 英语俚语天天说 第257期:剪头发不是"cut my hair" 介绍: I cut my hair. 我自己剪了自己的头发。 I had my hair cut. Someone cut my hair. Have something done 别人帮我们做,不是我们自己 I washed my car. I washed my car myself. 我自己洗了自己的车。 (I had my car washed.
  • 英语俚语天天说 第258期:"play"和"plane"你会读吗 介绍: /ei/ 的发音很重要 从[e]到[i]滑动 嘴巴扁平,尽量往两边咧开,咧嘴音。 单词举例 : paper /?pe?.p?/ 纸 late /le?t/ 晚的 cake /ke?k/ 蛋糕 name /ne?m/ 名字 句子举例: Haste makes waste. /he?st/ /me?ks/ /we?st
  • 英语俚语天天说 第259期:"长得像"英文怎么讲 介绍: 口语化的表达: dad daddy 书面化的表达: father 3个俗语 Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子。 The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 苹果落地,离树不远。 引申义:和爸妈很像。 He's a chip off the ol
  • 英语俚语天天说 第260期:"hit on you"不是打你呦~ 介绍: hit on sb. 搭讪,勾搭,撩 Who was that guy you were talking to at the bar? It looked like he was hitting on you. 在酒吧给你说话那个人是谁呀?看上去他好像在搭讪你。 hit the sack 去睡觉 It's 10 and time to hit
  • 英语俚语天天说 第261期:饿了只会说"hungry"? 介绍: My stomach is growling(/ɡra?l/). 我肚子咕咕叫。 /ɡra?l/v. 低吼 I'm starving. 我快饿死了。 starve v. 挨饿,饿死 I'm famished(/?f?m.??t/). 我太饿了! My stomach feels like my throat's been cut. 我肚子饿的感觉,就
  • 英语俚语天天说 第262期:CP到底是什么意思? 介绍: couple 夫妻;情侣; They're a couple. 他们是一对。 a couple of 一些 I've been living in Shanghai for a couple of years. 我住在上海有些年了。 couple up 与某人结合 和某人在一起 Jenny broke up with her ex and c
  • 英语俚语天天说 第263期:扫码支付怎么说? 介绍: scan to pay 扫码支付 scan 扫描 scanner 扫描仪 wechat pay微信支付 Alipay 支付宝 scan the article into the computer 把文件扫描进电脑 QR code 二维码 password 密码 code 密码
  • 英语俚语天天说 第264期:two-time不是"两次"的意思 介绍: two-time v. 脚踏两条船; 对不忠 two-timer n. 脚踏两条船的人 She was two-timing on me so we broke up. 她脚踏两只船,所以我们就分手了。 two times 两次 twice 两次 twice a week 每周2次 twice a day 每天2次
  • 英语俚语天天说 第265期:around和round到底有什么区别? 介绍: ① 相同点 意思都是周围,围绕 ② 不同点 around 美式 round 英式 I spent the whole day walking around the city. 我花了一天时间在市里暴走。 A: Where's Ben? Ben在哪? B: He's not around. 他没在附近。 ③
  • 英语俚语天天说 第266期:英文版的《我的前半生》 介绍: Thirty-seven-year-old Zi Jun leads a peaceful life as a housewife, yet is unaware of the cracks in her marriage. She is taken aback when her husband asks for a divorce and is unsuccessful in her attempts to save their relationship. After an i
  • 英语俚语天天说 第267期:上班打卡英文怎么讲? 介绍: clock on punch the clock In some offices, if you don't punch a clock, you don't get paid. 在有些办公室,如果不打卡,就拿不到钱。 punch 一拳,一击 She gave him a punch on the nose. 她朝他的鼻子打了一拳。 punc
  • 英语俚语天天说 第268期:夏日必备甜筒圣代怎么点? 介绍: scoop /sku?p/ n. 一勺(或铲)的量 How many scoops would you like? 您要几勺呢? one, two, three... flavor 口味 What flavor would you like? 您要什么口味呢? vanilla /v??n?l.?/ n. 香草精 chocolate 巧克力 strawberry 草
  • 英语俚语天天说 第269期:"照骗"英语怎么说? 介绍: take a picture take a photo Hi, excuse me. Could you take a photo for us? 你好,劳驾。能帮我们拍个照吗? flattering photo 照骗;更显漂亮的照片。 Some simple tricks could help you to take flattering photos. 一些简单
  • 英语俚语天天说 第270期:"作死"英语怎么说? 介绍: You are asking for it. 你自找的。作死。 Have it coming 自作自受 He had it coming because he had an affair with another girl. 他和另一个女生搞外遇,真是作死。 Deserve it 应得 Take the money. You deserve it. 把钱拿