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  • 英语俚语天天说 第286期:除了"You rock"到底啥意思? 介绍: [口语]You rock!=You're great. [反义]You suck!你太烂了! Hey. Buddy. Thanks for the nice dinner. You rock! 嘿,哥们。谢谢你的大餐,你很厉害! rock v. 摇动,摇晃 Every night, she needs to rock the baby to slee
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  • 英语俚语天天说 第289期:"Blue"还有"黄色"意思? 介绍: Blue in the face 释义 Do something till you are blue in the face. 徒劳做某事,最终没有结果 举例 You can walk around till you are blue in the face, but you won`t find a shop selling shoes as cheap as these! 你可以到处走走看
  • 英语俚语天天说 第290期:"Good for you"不是在夸你 介绍: Situation 1:真心表示很棒 One of your best friends got a new job. 你的一个好朋友找到了新工作 I got a new job! 我找到了新工作! Great! Good for you! man! 真棒!哥们! Situation 2:真心表示很棒 Dad: How
  • 英语俚语天天说 第291期:"脸盲"应该怎么说? 介绍: face blindness n. 脸盲 I am suffering from face blindness. 我脸盲。 blind date (由别人安排与一个从未谋面者的)约会 My Mom set me up on a blind date and it was so weird at the beginning. 我妈昨天安排我去相亲。刚开
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  • 英语俚语天天说 第293期:"Feel like"不是"感觉像"? 介绍: feel like (doing) sth 想做某事 I feel like (going for) a swim. 我想(去)游泳。 feel for someone 怜悯,感觉同身受 I am sorry to hear that. I feel for you. 听到这个消息我很抱歉。我懂得你感受。 I feel for h
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  • 英语俚语天天说 第296期:"big deal"是"大买卖"? 介绍: deal n. 交易;买卖; She got a new car for $1000! That was really a good deal! 她一千美金买了辆车!真是捡了个大便宜! a big deal ①重要的事情 He got promoted last month. That was a big deal to him! 他上个月升
  • 英语俚语天天说 第297期:"辣条"英文怎么讲? 介绍: spicy gluten 辣条 gluten [?ɡlu?.t??n] 面筋 Latiao is a kind of Chinese spicy snack that is made of gluten. 辣条是中国一种比较辣的用面筋做成的零食。 It tastes exactly like what I had in China. It's a mix of sweet, spic
  • 英语俚语天天说 第298期:"找错钱了"英文怎么讲? 介绍: Give someone the wrong change 给某人找错钱了 The cashier gave me the wrong change. I gave her 10 dollars to pay for a $5.00 book, and she only gave me 2 dollars back. 收银员给我找错钱了。我买了5美元一本的书,给了她
  • 英语俚语天天说 第299期:"单眼皮"英文怎么讲? 介绍: Single eyelid 单眼皮 Double eyelid 双眼皮 The girl with single eyelids had a plastic surgery to make them double. 这个单眼皮女孩去做了双眼皮手术。 Lid /l?d/ n. 盖子;眼皮 Can you get the lid off this jar? 你能把罐
  • 英语俚语天天说 第300期:"潮"英文怎么讲? 介绍: Trendy 时髦的 You look very trendy today in the new sneakers. Where did you get them? 你今天穿的这双运动鞋很潮啊,在哪买的? Fashionable 时尚的 I prefer to wear clothes that are practical rather than fashionable. 我更