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摩登家庭第六季 第262期:你情感上太迟钝了

时间:2019-04-10 00:47来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

 Before I got into real estate, I worked construction. 进入房地产界之前我在建筑业工作。

You....worked construction. 就你 ...在建筑业工作。
Yeah, stop staying it like that. 是的,别那样说话。
I put 10 months of my life into this place. 我为这地方消耗了10个月心血。
I'd love to look around one last time before they tear the old girl down. 我很想在他们拆掉这栋建筑前最后看看这里。
Oh, well, sucks to be getting old. 变老真糟糕。
You know what? We're bustin' in. 我们要闯进去。
How? Smash a window with a brick? 怎么做啊,用砖头砸窗户吗?
I had something a little more elegant in mind. 我想到了更为优雅的办法。
I think you forget that I gave birth to this building. 我想你们忘记了,是我建造了这栋大楼。
I know her strengths...and...her weaknesses. 我知道她的长处...和弱点。
Did you see a brick? 你们看到有砖头吗?
So I walked into to Dad's office, and he is holding a picture of me, looking at it with tears welling in his eyes. 我走进老爸的办公室,他拿着我的照片,满眼含泪地看着。
Oh, Dad was never that emotional when we were growing up. 我们小时候老爸从来没有这么多愁善感。
I know. That's what makes this whole thing so hard! 就是啊。所以这事才这么难办!
Maybe lily hasn't learned empathy because she hasn't seen it from me, you know? 也许莉莉没学到同情是因为没看见我表现出同情?
Could we maybe stay on my problem until the bread comes? 我们能在上面包之前先专注于我的问题吗?
I'm sorry. It sounded like you were done. Sorry. 对不起,听起来你好像是说完了。
So, the way I left things with the hotel company is that I need a little more time to decide, but honestly, I think I'm gonna tell 'em no. 我跟酒店公司说的是我还需要一点时间来考虑,但是说真的我打算拒绝他们。
I mean, how could I leave Dad after what I saw? It's just - it's heartbreaking. 看见那一幕之后我怎么能离开老爸?真是令人心碎。
Oh, I could cry. 我得哭。
Thank you. 谢谢。
Maybe if Lily saw me cry, she would see that it's okay to be that way, especially coming from me, her stoic1 dad who never cries. 也许如果莉莉看见我哭,她就会觉得哭也没关系,特别是看见我这个从来不哭的坚忍老爸哭。
Oh, come on, you had to be done that time. 拜托,你刚才肯定说完了啊。
You know what? You're right. Let's do you. 知道吗?你说得对。说你的吧。
Your problem is bigger than mine anyway, 'cause if your plan is to cry in front of Lily...Forget it. 反正你的问题比我的更大,因为如果你的计划是在莉莉面前哭...算了吧。
You're too emotionally constipated. 你情感上太迟钝了。


1 stoic cGPzC     
  • A stoic person responds to hardship with imperturbation.坚忍克己之人经受苦难仍能泰然自若。
  • On Rajiv's death a stoic journey began for Mrs Gandhi,supported by her husband's friends.拉吉夫死后,索尼亚在丈夫友人的支持下开始了一段坚忍的历程。
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