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  • PBS高端访谈:中美洲的"大篷车移民" JUDY WOODRUFF: We turn now to the group of migrants seeking political asylum in the U.S. This is the so-called caravan from Central America. John Yang has our update. JOHN YANG: Judy, tonight, more than 100 Central American migrants remain steps from
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  • PBS高端访谈:自我重塑还是被人改造 AMNA NAWAZ: It's graduation season, and the memoir Educated is the may pick for the NewsHour Book Club, in collaboration with The New York Times, Now Read This. Its author, Tara Westover, had no formal education until she attended college. The unlike
  • PBS高端访谈:进步的科技 消失的旧岗 Hari Sreenivasan: This past week was May Day, when many countries pause to honor workers. This year, photographers from Agence France-Presse took a look at those around the world whose jobs have become increasingly rare thanks to advances in technolo
  • PBS高端访谈:CEO如何营造良好的企业文化 JOHN YANG: Finally, another installment of our weekly Brief But Spectacular series, where we ask people about their passions. Tonight, we hear from Patty McCord, who, for 12 years, was chief talent officer of Netflix. Now she coaches and advises comp
  • PBS高端访谈:美国国立卫生研究院新项目引发隐私关注 Hari Sreenivasan: The National Institutes of Health held events in seven cities and online today, all to sign up one million Americans who will voluntarily share personal medical information. The project is called All of Us, and it is raising privacy
  • PBS高端访谈:古董相机拍摄作品惊艳世人 AMNA NAWAZ: Photography has made mind-boggling advances over the last century-and-a-half. So many of us now have a camera in our smartphones. But in a story that comes to us by PBS station Milwaukee PBS, one woman in Wisconsin has rediscovered the ar
  • PBS高端访谈:叙利亚男子的噩梦 数月被困机场 AMNA NAWAZ: The crisis in Syria has affected millions of people, but one unusual story is making recent headlines. As the NewsHour's Rhana Natour explains, a Syrian man is stuck in limbo in an airport, unable to leave. HASSAN AL Kontar, Syrian Nation
  • PBS高端访谈:Yanny还是Laurel 我们填补了大脑空白 JUDY WOODRUFF: And now to our NewsHour shares, something interesting that caught our eye. Yanny vs. Laurel, it's the auditory debate taking the Internet by storm today. NewsHour's Nsikan Akpan and Julia Griffin explain how one sound can create two di
  • PBS高端访谈:儿童癌症如何改变了孩子父母的生活 JUDY WOODRUFF: Next, our weekly Brief But Spectacular series, where we people talk about their passions. Monica McGuiness and Aaron Rodriguez spent two years traveling 80 miles to a hospital in Oakland, California, so their 8-year-old son, Devin, cou
  • PBS高端访谈:4-H俱乐部少年进行牧饲生猪养殖 收获利润 JUDY WOODRUFF: The nation's largest youth development organization, 4-H, has been preparing young people for careers in agriculture and farming for over 100 years. As part of the NewsHour's Student Reporting Labs series Making It Work, Alexis Lesher
  • PBS高端访谈:特朗普指控FBI对其竞选活动实施监控 AMNA NAWAZ: As we reportd earlier, the Justice Department has asked its internal watchdog to review President Trump's charge that the FBI spied on Mr. Trump's 2016 election campaign. The move followed the president's announcement on Twitter that he w
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  • PBS高端访谈:变革中的爱尔兰 投票禁止堕胎 JUDY WOODRUFF: But first: Voters in Ireland went to the polls today for an important vote. The Irish constitution bans abortions, even in cases of rape and incest. A new constitutional amendment up for vote today would allow Parliament to legalize ab