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  • PBS高端访谈:教育依然是拯救人类的法宝 JUDY WOODRUFF: Now we continue our special look at The Future of Work. As automation spreads through the American economy, experts say its impacts will be uneven. Some key factors include geography and race, but perhaps the most important determinant
  • PBS高端访谈:以色列作家阿摩司·奥兹去世 WILLIAM BRANGHAM: We wanted to take time tonight to remember the renowned Israeli author Amos Oz. He died today of cancer at the age of 79. His novels, essays and short stories made him one of Israel's most widely read writers. His work was praised w
  • PBS高端访谈:雕塑家眼中的海水 WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Finally tonight, our NewsHour Shares, which is something that caught our eye. Sculptors traditionally use bronze or marble or even wood. But one Israeli artist works with a rather striking material. The NewsHour's Julia Griffin expl
  • PBS高端访谈:时尚的穆斯林女性服饰 Judy Woodruff: Next: how faith, religion and modesty are influencing style for Muslim women. Jeffrey Brown reports on how modest fashion grew into a multibillion-dollar business and why it's now being celebrated in brand-new ways. Jeffrey Brown: It's
  • PBS高端访谈:培养女厨师的重要性 JUDY WOODRUFF: Now to our NewsHour Shares, something interesting that caught our eye. For decades, the culinary industry has been lead largely by men. But, as Renee Shaw and producer Abbey Oldham of PBS' Kentucky Educational Television report, one hi
  • PBS高端访谈:政府关闭影响社区服务金 Judy Woodruff: The shutdown has also had an impact on services the federal government is obligated to pay to Native Americans under treaty rights. From Wisconsin Public Television, Marisa Wojcik reports from Shawano, Wisconsin, where one tribe is alr
  • PBS高端访谈:法官帮助无家可归者 JUDY WOODRUFF: Being a defendant in a courtroom can be an intimidating experience, especially for those who are trying to make ends meet. As Tina Martin at PBS station WGBH in Boston reports, one unique court in Boston tries to make it less stressful
  • PBS高端访谈:海岸警卫队遭受政府关门影响 JUDY WOODRUFF: And for more on what the government shutdown means in practical terms, an update now on the U.S. Coast Guard. More than 42,000 Coast Guard personnel missed a paycheck earlier this month, making it the only branch of the U.S. military t
  • PBS高端访谈:帮助联邦工作人员渡过难关 JUDY WOODRUFF: As we heard earlier, many federal workers are nearing a boiling point as this government shutdown drags on. There are many efforts around the country to provide help and some relief to workers, too many to count and show here. But Amna
  • PBS高端访谈:女性要寻求工资平等和待遇平等 AMNA NAWAZ: The women's marches last weekend reflect the continued push for equal pay and treatment. In tonight's Brief But Spectacular, we hear from journalist and women's advocate Cindi Leive. She was Glamour magazine's editor in chief for 16 years
  • PBS高端访谈:消除我们身上的政治标签 JUDY WOODRUFF: Political labels can sometimes be convenient, but are they always helpful? Most of us rely on them in the news media, around the dinner table, with our friends and colleagues. Trying to understand our country politically, we reach for
  • PBS高端访谈:语言不是交流的唯一方式 JUDY WOODRUFF: Learning language can be a challenge for some, but none more, maybe than for those who cannot hear. In tonight's Brief But Spectacular, Melissa Malzkuhn, who was born deaf, uses her experience to build human connections through storyte
  • PBS高端访谈:不同寻常的基因检测 AMNA NAWAZ: Genetic testing has become increasingly popular. For about the same cost as a nice dinner, you can now find out where your ancestors came from or get answers to medical questions. It's easy to do. And, for many people, it's done on a lark
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