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  • 乔布斯传 第344期:飞越太空!(6) They also agreed on co-branding, though that took a lot of haggling to define. 他们也就联合品牌达成协议,虽然经历了很多次讨价还价。 I took the position that it's a Disney movie, but eventually I relented, Eisner recalled. 我最
  • 乔布斯传 第345期:万物解体(1) Things Fall Apart 万物解体 When Jobs unveiled the NeXT computer in 1988, there was a burst of excitement. 当乔布斯1988年首度推出NeXT计算机时,引起了热烈反响。 That fizzled when the computer finally went on sale the following
  • 乔布斯传 第346期:万物解体(2) One surprising defender of Jobs was Jean-Louis Gassee, 乔布斯当时一个出乎意料的维护者竟是让-路易加西, who had bumped elbows with Jobs when he replaced him at Apple and subsequently been ousted himself. 他曾经跟乔布斯在苹
  • 乔布斯传 第347期:万物解体(3) By the mid-1990s Jobs was finding some pleasure in his new family life and his astonishing triumph in the movie business, 到20世纪90年代中期,乔布斯在他新的家庭生活和在电影产业的惊人成功中找到了一些快乐, but he
  • 乔布斯传 第348期:苹果坠落(1) Apple Falling 苹果坠落 For a few years after Jobs was ousted, 在乔布斯出局后的几年, Apple was able to coast comfortably with a high profit margin based on its temporary dominance in desktop publishing. 苹果公司由于暂时统领桌面
  • 乔布斯传 第349期:苹果坠落(2) Windows 95, which was released in 1995, became the most successful operating system ever, and Macintosh sales began to collapse. 1995年8月发布的Windows 95成为有史以来最成功的操作系统,而麦金塔的销售量开始暴跌。 Micros
  • 乔布斯传 第350期:苹果坠落(3) By 1996 Apple's share of the market had fallen to 4% from a high of 16% in the late 1980s. 到1996年,苹果的市场份额已经从80年代末的高达16%下降到4%。 Michael Spindler, the German-born chief of Apple's European operations who had
  • 乔布斯传 第351期:苹果坠落(4) He wanted Amelio to help him return to Apple as the CEO. 他想让阿梅里奥帮助他回到苹果担任CEO。 There's only one person who can rally the Apple troops, Jobs said, only one person who can straighten out the company. 只有一个人可以
  • 乔布斯传 第352期:苹果坠落(5) So Apple needed a partner, one that could make a stable operating system, 所以苹果需要一个合作伙伴提供稳定的操作系统, preferably one that was UNIX-like and had an object-oriented application layer. 最好还是像Unix那样的操
  • 乔布斯传 第353期:苹果坠落(6) This did not please Amelio. 这话让阿梅里奥感到很不爽。 Apple's chief technology officer, Ellen Hancock, argued for going with Sun's UNIX-based Solaris operating system, 苹果的首席技术官埃伦汉考克赞成采用Sun公司基于Un
  • 乔布斯传 第354期:向库比蒂诺蹒跚前进(1) Slouching toward Cupertino 向库比蒂诺蹒跚前进 Does anyone know Steve well enough to call him on this? Amelio asked his staff. 谁跟史蒂夫的关系够好,能给他打个电话?阿梅里奥问他的员工们。 Because his encounter wi
  • 乔布斯传 第355期:向库比蒂诺蹒跚前进(2) For Jobs, the contest against Be was both professional and personal. 对于乔布斯来说,跟Be的竞争亦公亦私。 NeXT was failing, and the prospect of being bought by Apple was a tantalizing lifeline. NeXT已在走下坡路,被苹果收购是
  • 乔布斯传 第356期:向库比蒂诺蹒跚前进(3) He was, in fact, eager to sell everything, and he pushed that approach. 事实上,他是渴望把公司全部卖掉,因此他着力推荐这个方式。 When you take a close look, you'll decide you want more than my software, he told them. 如果你
  • 乔布斯传 第357期:向库比蒂诺蹒跚前进(4) The big bakeoff between NeXT and Be was held at the Garden Court Hotel in Palo Alto on December 10, NeXT和Be的终极对决于12月10日在帕洛奥图的花园庭院酒店举行, in front of Amelio, Hancock, and six other Apple executives. 评委包
  • 乔布斯传 第358期:向库比蒂诺蹒跚前进(5) Amelio knew that bringing Jobs back into the fold would be a double-edged sword, 阿梅里奥知道,让乔布斯重回苹果是把双刃剑, but the same was true of bringing Gasse back. 但是让加西回来也面临同样的问题。 Larry Tesl