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  • 时差N小时 冰镇饮料由何而来?(下)

    In other words, ice absorbs heat from the water. 换言之,冰块会从水中吸收热量。 As the water molecules lose energy, they begin to slow down, and consequently to cool. 当水分子流失热量后其移动速度回放缓,温度逐渐降低...

  • 时差N小时 为什么哭泣时会流鼻涕?(上)

    Why Does Crying Make Your Nose Run? 为什么哭泣时会流鼻涕? When you burst out crying, you expect the bleary red eyes and the rivers of tears that stream down your cheeks. 当人们放声大哭时,会出现红肿而模糊的泪眼以及簌簌...

  • 时差N小时 为什么哭泣时会流鼻涕?(下)

    These little holes, on the upper and lower eyelids of both eyes, serve as drains and lead into canals that run through grooves in the bones of the face and eventually empty into the nose. 位于上、下眼睑的这些小洞发挥着排水管的作用,...

  • 时差N小时 外星球上有生命吗?(上)

    Well, we've all been hearing about ongoing Mars exploration, and how water probably used to be abundant there. 我们总会听闻一些火星探测以及火星曾含有大量水资源的报道。 And a water spewing volcano was recently discovered on...

  • 时差N小时 外星球上有生命吗?(下)

    Not sugar as in the stuff in those little packets, mind you. 注意,这里的糖可不是那种用纸包的糖果。 We're talking about carbohydrates simple molecules made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen which are the simplest forms of sugar. 我们...

  • 时差N小时 你对香菜是爱还是恨?(上)

    On todays Moment of Science, well be sniffing our way through a controversial culinary conundrum: the great cilantro debate. 在今天的《科学一刻》,我们来探讨一个有争议性的烹饪难题:关于香菜的大辩论。 According to...

  • 时差N小时 你对香菜是爱还是恨?(下)

    Aldehydes are one of the main by products of soap making. 醛是肥皂的主要成分之一。 There are a few different aldehydes in the cilantro aroma recipe. 香菜的气味配方中含有多种不同的醛。 One emits the offensive soapy odor th...

  • 时差N小时 无意识行为与心理学(上)

    Social psychologists have long been intrigued by what they call automatic behaviorthe ways people react to stimuli without consciously thinking about their actions. 长期以来,社会心理学家一直对无意识行为十分感兴趣,这是人们...

  • 时差N小时 无意识行为与心理学(下)

    Why? 为什么? Researchers speculate that words such as Florida and retired invoke stereotypes of the elderly, and these stereotypes also include slowness. 研究人员猜测,佛罗里达和退休这类词汇容易让人脑海中浮现老人的特...

  • 时差N小时 冰箱可抑制食物滋生细菌(上)

    Back when most folks relied on an icebox to cool food, a block of ice was a precious commodity. 以前大多数人们靠冰盒冷却食物,冰块是一件稀有商品。 If you put hot food in the icebox, the ice might melt. 如果你把热的食物放...

  • 时差N小时 冰箱可抑制食物滋生细菌(下)

    Hot food may make the refrigerators motor run a little longer to bring the temperature back down, but that doesnt overwork the motor. 冰箱的电机需要运转久一些才能让滚烫的食物冷却下来,但这不会造成电机超负荷工作。...

  • 时差N小时 地心引力为何有益于人类?(上)

    When astronauts return from long missions in space, their exit from the spacecraft is usually hidden from public view. 当宇航员结束太空的长期任务返回地球时,他们走出太空飞船的画面往往不会曝光。 This is because aft...

  • 时差N小时 地心引力为何有益于人类?(下)

    This gravitational state of affairs might seem rather limiting: wouldnt it be fun to be able to float around like astronauts? 引力状态似乎会让人更加受限:像宇航员一样漂浮起来难道不是一件很有意思的事情吗? Perhap...

  • 时差N小时 你听到过颜色吗?(上)

    Have you ever heard the color blue? Or tasted the musical note F-sharp? For most people, in both cases the answer is no. 你听过蓝色吗?或者尝过音符F调吗?对于大多数人来说,答案是否定的。 But for some people blue has a...

  • 时差N小时 你听到过颜色吗?(下)

    Scientists know very little about what causes synesthesia. 科学家对于共感现象的起因知之甚少。 While it appears to be hereditary, the actual neurological processes that account for the phenomenon remain a mystery. 虽然这种疾病看似...
