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  • 时差N小时 富兰克林靠风筝发现了电?(下)

    What Ben actually did in his famous 1752 experiment was to cause some excess electrical charge near a storm cloud to ground out through his kite stringstill an impressive demonstration, but a much less powerful prospect than an actual lightning strik...

  • 时差N小时 为什么吃完还会饿?(上)

    You've just snacked on rice cakes. 你刚刚吃完米糕。 Why are you still hungry? 为什么还是觉得饥肠辘辘? That yummy feeling of being pleasantly full depends partly on the weight and volume of what you eat. 那种饱腹产生的愉悦感...

  • 时差N小时 为什么吃完还会饿?(下)

    For lunch one day, the women were served pasta salad. 某天的午餐,我们为这些女性提供了意面沙拉。 The next day, the salad had more veggies, but the women chose to eat the same amount, by weight, as before. 第二天,我们在意面...

  • 时差N小时 大快朵颐能增加营养吸收?(上)

    Enjoying Your Food Increases The Nourishment Your Body Receives 大快朵颐能够增加营养吸收 Did last nights dinner make you drool with anticipation? 昨天的晚餐有没有让你意犹未尽? Did lunch have you licking your chops? 你的午...

  • 时差N小时 大快朵颐能增加营养吸收?(下)

    The researchers believe the answers in the brain. Before you eat a bite, theres a brain phase of digestive secretion. 研究人员认为答案在于大脑。当人们吃食物时,大脑中有一个消化分泌阶段。 Seeing, smelling, or just ant...

  • 时差N小时 为什么生病的时候容易脱水?(上)

    When you have a cold or flu, the doctor (or Dr. Mom) may tell you to drink lots of fluids. 当你不幸感冒或患上流感时,医生(或者妈妈)可能会告诉你要补充足够的流质。 But did they ever explain why you need to guzzle a...

  • 时差N小时 为什么生病的时候容易脱水?(下)

    Two key ingredients of metabolic reactions are water and oxygen. 新陈代谢作用的两大关键因素是水和氧。 Increased metabolism uses more water and also makes you breathe faster, to supply the extra oxygen. 新陈代谢加快会消耗更多...

  • 时差N小时 月球表面的记号为何不消失?(上)

    In 1969 when Neil Armstrong said Thats one small step, he made a lasting impression. 1969年,当时阿姆斯特朗的名言人类一小步给人留下了难以磨灭的印象。 On the moon, that is. Marks on the surface of the moon dont disappear...

  • 时差N小时 月球表面的记号为何不消失?(下)

    Leave your Earth pan outside. Take the moon pan inside and place a cardboard box over the top of it, weighted down with something heavy. 把代表地球的平底锅放在户外,然后把代表月球的平底锅放在室内并在上面放上一个硬纸...

  • 时差N小时 黄金是黄色的吗?(上)

    Many people associate the metal gold with the color gold. 很多人认为金子应该是金色。 But, some gold jewelry is not golden at all: its white. 但一些黄金首饰的颜色并不是金色,而是白色。 Gold is one of the heaviest and...

  • 时差N小时 黄金是黄色的吗?(下)

    If most gold jewelry is an alloy, why is some white and some yellow? 如果大多数黄金首饰是合金的话,为什么有的是白色有的是黄色呢? The final appearance depends on the type of alloy metal used. 珠宝外观最终取决于所...

  • 时差N小时 你对火柴了解多少?(上)

    There are two different types of matches: safety matches and strike-anywhere matches. 目前有两种不同的火柴:安全火柴,还有一种随便划一下都可点燃的火柴。 No! Yep! 不是吧!没错! Safety matches are the kind that...

  • 时差N小时 你对火柴了解多少?(下)

    It sounds like we have a chemical reaction thing going? 听起来我们还涉及到化学知识? That's right. 没错。 This starts a chemical reaction that uses the oxidizing agent on the match to produce oxygen gas. 这个过程中引发了一场化...

  • 时差N小时 如何判断自己是不是双关节?(上)

    Can you bend your thumb backwards until it touches your wrist? 你是否能向后弯曲大拇指,让它触碰到手腕部位吗? If you join your hands behind your back, can you lift them over your head without letting go? 如果将双手紧握在背...

  • 时差N小时 如何判断自己是不是双关节?(下)

    Connective tissues also form the tendons that join the bones to the muscles. 结缔组织同样也组成了连接肌肉与骨头的肌腱。 Ligaments and tendons usually restrict the movement of the joint, but in some people, these normally restrict...
