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  • 时差N小时 你见过老式冰淇淋机吗?(下)

    The coldest that salt less ice water can get is 32 degrees Fahrenheit, where there's a balance between the rates of melting and freezing. 含有少量盐的冰水温度最低可达华氏32度,这一温度是凝固和融化的平衡点。 Add salt t...

  • 时差N小时 如何挑选好吃的番茄?(上)

    Most of us have had the same experience. We see a big, red tomato in the grocery store, take it home for our salad, and find out that it tastes like cardboard. 大多数人都有过这样的经历,从商店里挑选出又大又红的番茄回去做沙...

  • 时差N小时 如何挑选好吃的番茄?(下)

    While experimenting with weed genes that turned tomatoes dark green, geneticists accidentally discovered one of the reasons why todays tomatoes lack taste. 基因学家在对使番茄呈墨绿色的基因进行实验的过程中,意外发现了现今...

  • 时差N小时 千万不要给宠物吃洋葱(上)

    Onions Are Toxic to Your Pets 千万不要给宠物吃洋葱 You may already know that chocolate can be lethal to yourpet, but did you know that onions can be toxic to your cats and dogs too? 也许你已经知道巧克力对宠物的杀伤力,但是...

  • 时差N小时 千万不要给宠物吃洋葱(下)

    Without enough of these, the animal becomes anemic, andif the bone marrow isn't given enough time to regenerate new red blood cells-it may even die. 红细胞的缺失诱发动物贫血;如果骨髓没有及时更新红细胞,动物就会丧命。...

  • 时差N小时 脂肪是如何储存的?(上)

    When you eat a fatty food, it moves through the stomach and on to the intestines. 当你食用富含高脂肪的食物时,它会通过胃进入肠道。 In the intestines, a number of processes occur to transfer fat from the food to special fat cel...

  • 时差N小时 脂肪是如何储存的?(下)

    For the most part fat is stored in the fat cells that compose fatty tissue. 大部分脂肪储存在组成脂肪组织的脂肪细胞内。 Think of a fat cell as a tiny plastic bag filled with a drop of fat. 脂肪细胞好比一个容纳脂肪滴的小...

  • 时差N小时 寻找地球上最古老的生命(上)

    They know by studying the remains of past life preserved in rocks, particularly sedimentary rocks. 研究人员在研究岩石特别是沉积岩中保存着的生物遗骸时找到了证据。 These rocks are formed from particles of mud and sand, ty...

  • 时差N小时 寻找地球上最古老的生命(下)

    In these very old rocks, paleontologists have found something that looked familiar. 在这些古老的岩石中,古生物学者发现了一些熟悉的东西。 Certain communities of microbes can form layered, rock-like mounds called stromatolites...

  • 时差N小时 可乐除铁锈(上)

    Let's begin with a cleaning tip: 先分享一个去污小妙招: If you have some tarnished or corroded brass that you want to clean, an old brass candlestick for example, 如果你想要清除铜锈,例如铜烛台, you can use Coca-Cola, or a...

  • 时差N小时 可乐除铁锈(下)

    Acids, like the weak acid present in your can of Coke, can react with oxides to effectively reverse the process of tarnishing. 而酸,比如可乐中的弱酸,和氧化物产生化学反应,能有效避免生锈。 The acid dissolves the metal...

  • 时差N小时 如何判断宠物需要医药治疗?(上)

    Have you ever noticed that while it's pretty easy to tell your dog is sick, it's much harder to know how your cat or bird are feeling? 你有没有注意到发现狗是否生病很容易,但想知道猫或鸟的感受就比较难了。 Well, before...

  • 时差N小时 如何判断宠物需要医药治疗?(下)

    The situation with cats, as compared to dogs and birds, is much more interesting. 而猫的情况与狗和鸟相比,就更有趣了。 On the one hand, cats are predators, but on the other, they're small enough to be prey. 一方面,猫是食肉动...

  • 时差N小时 失去知觉之后

    If you've ever had major surgery, you probably remember lying down and waking up-but nothing in between. 如果你曾经做过重大手术,那么你肯定只记得躺下去和醒来这么2个动作,而其间过程是浑然不知的。 Thanks to t...

  • 时差N小时 火山与水

    Firefighters use water to battle a towering inferno. 消防员用水来扑灭熊熊燃烧的大火, You might wonder if water could also stifle an erupting volcano. 你或许想知道水是否也可以用来扑灭喷发的火山。 Actually, this e...
