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  • 时代周刊:右翼新人即将接掌哥伦比亚

    The right-wing newcomer poised to take power in Colombia 右翼新人即将接掌哥伦比亚 IVN DUQUE IS ON TRACK TO SUCCEED Juan Manuel Santos as President of Colombia, after winning national elections on May 27. 5月27日赢得全国大选后,伊...

  • 时代周刊:威慑之争(2)

    The newest member of the senior decision-making group is Admiral Phil Davidson, 最晚加入该高级决策小组的是海军上将菲尔戴维森, who is responsible for the entire military structure in the Pacific and a headquarters in Pearl Harb...

  • 时代周刊:威慑之争(1)

    THE DETERRENCE DEBATE 威慑之争 By James Stavridis 文/詹姆斯斯塔夫里蒂斯 President Trump and Kim Jong Uns courtship has been nothing if not fickle. 特朗普总统和金正恩的关系一直反复无常。 And so as the summit over North...

  • 时代周刊:特朗普赦免已故拳击冠军杰克·约翰逊

    Jack Johnson, the Old Boxing champ was Pardoned 已故拳击冠军杰克约翰逊被赦免 JACK JOHNSON, WHO IN 1908 became the first African-American boxer to win the heavyweight championship of the world, 杰克约翰逊,此人于1908年成为了首...

  • 时代周刊:欧洲的网络隐私问题有所好转 或将造福全世界

    Online privacy gets a boost in Europewith potential benefits for users everywhere 欧洲的在线隐私问题有所好转或将造福世界各地人民 By Alix Langone 文/艾利克斯兰贡 ITS NOT JUST YOU. 不止是你, OVER THE PAST several wee...

  • 时代周刊:刚果埃博拉疫情升级

    (Now a news brief from) the Democratic Republic of Congo--an Ebola outbreak escalates 下面是来自刚果民主共和国的一则简讯 埃博拉疫情升级 ALTHOUGH THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) HAS said 世界卫生组织之前表示, th...

  • 时代周刊:《读书俱乐部》影评 友情大于爱情的老年版《欲望都市》(3)

    At one point, Keaton interjects to marvel that the four of them have only now found one another. 其间,基顿还插了一句,说他们四个现在才找到彼此实在是让人惊讶。 I just didnt know how hilarious these women were or how we...

  • 时代周刊:《读书俱乐部》影评 友情大于爱情的老年版《欲望都市》(2)

    Its diferent when the stars are men. 当主演都是老男人时情况又不一样。 There are ample parts in blockbusters and buddy movies for older dudes, grumpy and otherwise. 大片和讲述兄弟情的电影中有很多为脾气暴躁等等类型...

  • 时代周刊:《读书俱乐部》影评 友情大于爱情的老年版《欲望都市》(1)

    For this Book Club, only Icons Need Apply 这部《读书俱乐部》,只有偶像需要申请 By Susanna Schrobsdorf 文/苏珊娜施罗布斯多夫 CANDICE BERGEN IS PROBABLY ONLY HALF kidding when she says that Book Club, 坎迪斯伯根说《读书...

  • 时代周刊:美国如何落到今天这步田地?(6)

    I played a role in this antisocial movement. 我在这场反社会运动中也扮演了一定的角色。 In 1979, I started a magazine called the American Lawyer, 1979年,我创办了一本名为《美国律师》的杂志, which focused on the...

  • 时代周刊:美国如何落到今天这步田地?(5)

    I WAS ONE OF THOSE ELITE WINNERS. 我就是精英赢家之一。 IN 1964, I was a bookworm growing up in Far Rockaway, a working-class section of Queens. 1964年时,我还是一个在皇后区工人阶层聚居的法洛克威长大的书虫。 One...

  • 时代周刊:美国如何落到今天这步田地?(4)

    Civil service is another great American reform that in the last 50 years has become a great American moat, protecting incompetent or corrupt workers, 公务员制度是在过去50年里成为了美国的巨型护城河,保护着那些不称职或腐败...

  • 时代周刊:美国如何落到今天这步田地?(3)

    THE STORY OF HOW ALL THIS CAME TO BE IS LIKE a movie in which everything seems clear only if it is played back from the start in slow motion. 这一切仿佛是一场电影,只有从一开始就用慢镜头回放,一切才会清晰起来。 Begin...

  • 时代周刊:美国如何落到今天这步田地?(2)

    For too many, the present is hard enough. 对很多人来说,当下都已经够艰难了。 Income inequality has soared: 收入不平等已经加剧: inflation-adjusted middle-class wages have been nearly frozen for the last four decades, while...

  • 时代周刊:美国如何落到今天这步田地?(1)

    My Generation was Supposed to Level America's Playing Field 我们这代人本该为美国创造公平的竞争环境 Instead, We Rigged it for Ourselves 结果却将它变成了私欲的出口 BY STEVEN BRILL 文/史蒂夫布里尔 LATELY, MOST AMER...
