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英语听力—环球英语 555 House of Peace

时间:2011-11-16 07:46来源:互联网 提供网友:fei   字体: [ ]

  Voice 1
Welcome to Spotlight1. I'm Robin2 Basselin.
Voice 2
And I'm Steve Meyerso. This program uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.
Voice 1
Maggy ran from house to house. Her children ran with her. She had seven children. She was frightened and looking for a place to hide her family. It was October of 1993 and a war had just begun in her home country, Burundi.
Voice 2
People from the Hutu and Tutsi tribes4 were fighting. Maggy was Tutsi and so were three of her children. However, the other four children were Hutu. You see, Maggy had adopted her children. They were orphans5 - children without families. So Maggy had invited these children to be part of her family.
Voice 1
But on that night, no one would let Maggy's whole family stay at their house. Hutu families said they would protect the Hutu children. Tutsi families said they would protect Maggy and the Tutsi children. But no one would protect them all. And Maggy wanted her family to stay together.
Voice 2
So Maggy went to the one person she knew would help - the local Catholic6 bishop7. This Christian8 leader hid Maggy, her family and many other Hutu adults. Maggy thought they were finally safe.
Voice 1
However, on October 24th 1993, Tutsi soldiers attacked the bishop's home. Maggy was not killed because she was Tutsi. Instead, she was tied up and forced to watch as the soldiers killed 72 people and burned the building.
Voice 2
Maggy was shocked and deeply saddened by what she saw. But even during this terrible situation, she did not think about herself. Instead, she thought about the children - both her children and the children whose parents had just been killed. On that night, Maggy paid the soldiers to not kill or kidnap9 25 children. These children were now all orphans and refugees11 of war.
Voice 1
On that terrible night, Maggy began a new life's work. She knew that these children, and many more like them, needed care and protection. Today's Spotlight will be on Maggy Barankitse and her work to care for child refugees.
Voice 2
After the attack at the bishop's home, Maggy became responsible for over 30 children. She knew that she could not care for all of them in her home. So Maggy decided12 to start Maison Shalom or House of Peace.
Voice 1
House of Peace became a place where children of any tribe3, religion or social class were welcome. The home began in an old school. It was a simple idea. Maggy and the older children cared for the younger children. They worked together to harvest crops from Maggy's family farm to feed everyone.
Voice 2
As the war continued, hundreds of child refugees came to House of Peace for protection and care. Many people did not understand why Maggy stayed and cared for these children. She explained her reason to the UNICEF organization.
Voice 3
"I know in my heart that evil will never win... Everyone thinks I am insane13 and that I have lost my reason - even my family! I say yes, I am insane, but you are insane too because you have started to kill. Who has lost their reason more - someone who is killing14 or someone who is trying to save lives?"
Voice 1
As the work of House of Peace grew, Maggy gained support from all over the world. With this support, Maggy opened two centers for mentally and physically15 injured children in Burundi. She also opened three more homes or "children's villages" for orphaned16 or separated children. These villages provide a "family" and resources for the children.
Voice 2
House of Peace also provides education and skill training. Hard work is an important part of House of Peace. Children learn to take care of a family and house. They also learn business skills in the centers' film theatre, restaurant, hair cutting store, and hotel.
Voice 1
Maggy thinks it is important that the children learn to work and support themselves. However, Maggy thinks the most important things to teach the children are peace and forgiveness. Maggy told UNICEF the reason she started House of Peace.
Voice 3
"I wanted to show to my people that when there is justice and love it is possible to live in peace."
Voice 2
Maggy has been recognized often for her work. She has won many awards, including the Voice of Courage Award, the Nansen Refugee10 Award, and the two thousand eight [2008] Opus Prize. The Opus Prize is a one million [$1,000,000] dollar prize given for excellent work to help humanity17. This is one of the largest awards of its kind.
Voice 1
When Maggy won the prize, she danced and clapped her hands with joy. She told reporters,
Voice 3
"I would like to have ten million [$10,000,000] - I have more than fifty thousand [50,000] children - and then I could help them all."
Voice 2
Maggy did use the prize money to help her children. She opened a one hundred and twenty [120] bed hospital in Burundi.
Voice 1
Many people call Maggy ‘Burundi's Mother Teresa'. Other people call her the Angel of Burundi. Both names represent her spirit and work. But Maggy is clear that her work through House of Peace is not her own. She told the Opus Prize foundation,
Voice 3
"I believe it is a mission, it is a life's work. I am full of hope. This is the hand of God at work."
Voice 2
By the end of the Burudian Civil war in 2005, three hundred thousand [300,000] Burundians had been killed. And two hundred thousand [200,000] other Burudians had fled the country as refugees. Even more people were refugees within Burundi - like the children that Maggy cares for.
Voice 1
However, since 1993, House of Peace has helped over fifty thousand [50,000] child and adult refugees. And if Maggy has her way, this number will only grow.
Voice 2
Sadly, Burundi is only one example of the world's refugee crisis18. In fact, all over the world today, there are more than eleven million [11,000,000] refugees living in foreign countries. There are also nearly fourteen million [14,000,000] IDPs - people who live like refugees within their own country. All these people have lost their homes for many reasons like war or natural disasters.
Voice 1
The number of refugees may seem large. But, Maggy's life is an example of the difference one person can make. Maggy always has hope. Even in times of crisis, she believes that evil will not win. Maggy continues to dream about ways she can help people. And through her words, she encourages all people to dream too. She says,
Voice 3
"With each of our dreams, we move humanity forward."


1 spotlight 6hBzmk     
  • This week the spotlight is on the world of fashion.本周引人瞩目的是时装界。
  • The spotlight followed her round the stage.聚光灯的光圈随着她在舞台上转。
2 robin Oj7zme     
  • The robin is the messenger of spring.知更鸟是报春的使者。
  • We knew spring was coming as we had seen a robin.我们看见了一只知更鸟,知道春天要到了。
3 tribe XJ2zS     
  • This is a subject tribe.这是个受他人统治的部落。
  • Many of the tribe's customs and rituals are as old as the hills.这部落的许多风俗、仪式都极其古老。
4 tribes f3d6790faa976a2695d01a08f7b2ba64     
n.部落( tribe的名词复数 );(动、植物的)族;(一)帮;大群
  • tribes living in remote areas of the Amazonian rainforest 居住在亚马孙河雨林偏远地区的部落
  • In Africa the snake is still sacred with many tribes. 非洲许多部落仍认为蛇是不可冒犯的。 来自《简明英汉词典》
5 orphans edf841312acedba480123c467e505b2a     
孤儿( orphan的名词复数 )
  • The poor orphans were kept on short commons. 贫苦的孤儿们吃不饱饭。
  • Their uncle was declared guardian to the orphans. 这些孤儿的叔父成为他们的监护人。
6 catholic irxzd     
  • The Pope is the supreme leader of the Roman Catholic Church.教皇是罗马天主教的最高领袖。
  • She was a devoutly Catholic.她是一个虔诚地天主教徒。
7 bishop AtNzd     
  • He was a bishop who was held in reverence by all.他是一位被大家都尊敬的主教。
  • Two years after his death the bishop was canonised.主教逝世两年后被正式封为圣者。
8 Christian KVByl     
  • They always addressed each other by their Christian name.他们总是以教名互相称呼。
  • His mother is a sincere Christian.他母亲是个虔诚的基督教徒。
9 kidnap g25xz     
  • A pair of robbers were trying to kidnap his wife.两个强盗正试图绑架他的妻子。
  • They were intelligent and educated,yet they chose to kidnap and kill.他们聪明且有教养,却选择去绑架和杀人。
10 refugee lCEyL     
  • The refugee was condemned to a life of wandering.这个难民注定要过流浪的生活。
  • The refugee is suffering for want of food and medical supplies.难民苦于缺少食物和医药用品。
11 refugees ddb3b28098e40c0f584eafcd38f1fbd4     
n.避难者,难民( refugee的名词复数 )
  • The UN has begun making airdrops of food to refugees. 联合国已开始向难民空投食物。
  • They claimed they were political refugees and not economic migrants. 他们宣称自己是政治难民,不是经济移民。
12 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
13 insane nbVzG     
  • Insane people are sometimes dangerous.精神病人有时非常危险。
  • The letter made her insane with jealousy.那封信使她妒忌得发疯。
14 killing kpBziQ     
  • Investors are set to make a killing from the sell-off.投资者准备清仓以便大赚一笔。
  • Last week my brother made a killing on Wall Street.上个周我兄弟在华尔街赚了一大笔。
15 physically iNix5     
  • He was out of sorts physically,as well as disordered mentally.他浑身不舒服,心绪也很乱。
  • Every time I think about it I feel physically sick.一想起那件事我就感到极恶心。
16 orphaned ac11e48c532f244a7f6abad4cdedea5a     
  • Orphaned children were consigned to institutions. 孤儿都打发到了福利院。
  • He was orphaned at an early age. 他幼年时便成了孤儿。
17 humanity Nc4xR     
  • Such an act is a disgrace to humanity.这种行为是人类的耻辱。
  • We should treat animals with humanity.我们应该以仁慈之心对待动物。
18 crisis pzJxT     
  • He had proved that he could be relied on in a crisis.他已表明,在紧要关头他是可以信赖的。
  • The topic today centers about the crisis in the Middle East.今天课题的中心是中东危机。
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