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  • 新奇事件簿 空客停产空客A380 The airplane maker Airbus has announced plans to cease production of its A380 aircraft. The iconic A380 is the world's largest passenger airplane and has been in service for 12 years. When it was launched, it was heralded as the future of aviation. H
  • 新奇事件簿 早睡早起也有科学依据 The phrase, The early bird catches the worm may be true. It means people who wake up early get more done than people who don't. Another saying is from former U.S. President Benjamin Franklin. He said: Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy,
  • 新奇事件簿 日本政府首次承认阿伊努族身份 The Japanese government has introduced a bill to recognize the country's ethnic Ainu minority group as an indigenous people. It is the first time for Japan's government to do this. It comes after decades of lobbying and campaigning by Ainu people to
  • 新奇事件簿 ISIS新娘被剥夺英国公民身份 A 19-year-old woman who ran away from the U.K. to join ISIS has been stripped of her British citizenship. Shamima Begum left London in 2015 when she was 15 to live in the Islamic State. The U.K. said that anyone who joined ISIS was a terrorist and ha
  • 新奇事件簿 围观一只猫的奢侈生活 Following the death in Paris on Tuesday of legendary fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld, news is emerging that his pet cat could inherit millions of dollars. His fluffy, white Birman cat, Choupette, became a global, feline icon after she became Lagerfel
  • 新奇事件簿 全球学生为气候变化罢课 School children around the world have been going on strike. They are unhappy that their governments are doing too little to fight climate change. The strikes are part of a growing international movement called School Strike for Climate. Instead of go
  • 新奇事件簿 联合国呼吁为也门提供援助 The United Nations has launched an appeal to raise a whopping $4.2 billion in aid to help alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. It is the largest ever appeal made by the UN. It comes after the country has been ravaged by years of war and is on
  • 新奇事件簿 巴基斯坦击落印度战机 Tensions are growing between India and Pakistan. Many people are worried that the two nuclear-armed countries are heading for war. Pakistan carried out air raids and shot down two Indian military jets on Wednesday. They captured an Indian fighter pil
  • 新奇事件簿 夜视功能不再是梦想 Would you like to be able to see in the dark? One day this might be possible. Scientists have done tests on mice and have given them the ability to see near-infrared light. This is a kind of light wave that mice and humans cannot normally see. Resear
  • 新奇事件簿 全球最年轻的亿万富豪 Can you Imagine being a billionaire at the age of 21. Entrepreneur, social media star and model Kylie Jenner has done just that. According to the business magazine 'Forbes', Ms Jenner has become the world's youngest self-made billionaire. She is so s
  • 新奇事件簿 芬兰政府集体辞职 Finland's entire government has resigned. It wanted to pass some laws on social welfare and healthcare reform. Its goals were an important part of its plans for Finland. However, politicians in the government voted against the plans. Finland's Prime
  • 新奇事件簿 老年人遛狗应谨慎 It once seemed common sense to believe that having and walking a dog was good for older people. Dogs are great companions and provide a healthy excuse to go for a walk and get a bit of exercise. However, new research shows that taking the dog for a w
  • 新奇事件簿 万维网30周年 The World Wide Web is now thirty years old. Its inventor, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, has spoken about his creation on its 30th anniversary. He said he was worried about how people are using the Internet and its two billion websites today. He also said he i
  • 新奇事件簿 波音737Max全球停飞 Aircraft manufacturer Boeing has grounded the entire global fleet of its 737 Max aircraft. The move follows last week's fatal Ethiopian Airlines crash. That was the second time in five months a 737 Max has crashed. Last October, a plane from the Indo
  • 新奇事件簿 新西兰枪击案视频传播网络惹众怒 People all over the world are angry because the video of the massacre at a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand is still on social media sites. On Friday, a terrorist gunned down and killed 50 worshippers who were praying at two mosques. The gunman li