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  • 新奇事件簿 薪酬平等日 德国女性享受车票优惠 Women in Germany will be able to enjoy cheaper rail travel on Monday. They will be given a 21 per cent reduction in fares as part of Germany's Equal Pay Day events. Equal Pay Day is dedicated to raising awareness of the gender pay gap. It symbolizes
  • 新奇事件簿 西装领带不再是商务必备 More and more companies around the world are telling staff they do not need to wear a suit and tie. In the last century, most business people and office workers had to wear business clothes. In today's world, that is becoming less important. Companie
  • 新奇事件簿 气球成海鸟死亡最致命塑料 Scientists have made an alarming discovery about what kinds of pollution are most harmful to seabirds. A study led by Australia's Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies discovered that balloons were the deadliest kind of plastic for seabirds.The
  • 新奇事件簿 英国经济紧缩 校长穷成学校清洁工 Times are hard for schools in England because they have so little money to spend. They have to cut back on many things. There is austerity in the UK so the government has cut school budgets. One head teacher at a school in London does not have enough
  • 新奇事件簿 纸质书更适合做睡前读物 The march of technology may seem unstoppable, but all things digital may have a way to go before they replace the traditional bedtime book - the paper one. A new study shows that paper books are better than e-books for bedtime reading. The study sugg
  • 新奇事件簿 欧洲车辆将安装限速设备 All new cars sold in Europe from 2022 will have technology to limit their speed. New safety rules from the European Union will require new cars to have intelligent speed assistance systems. These will be standard equipment on cars, just like seatbelt
  • 新奇事件簿 登录名和密码将被取代 It looks like login usernames and passwords are on their way out. No longer will we have to worry about the security of our login credentials. They are set to be replaced by an infinitely more secure login system known as Web Authentication. Web Auth
  • 新奇事件簿 日本女性反抗高跟要求 Women across Japan are fed up with having to wear high-heeled shoes to work. One woman is so fed up that she started a movement to end the requirement for female employees to wear the shoes. The movement has the hashtag KuToo. This is a combination o
  • 新奇事件簿 沙特巨额投资首都城市利雅得 Saudi Arabia's government has announced it will invest a whopping $23 billion in a massive makeover for its capital city, Riyadh. The huge investment is part of a project to beautify the city, create hundreds of thousands of jobs, boost leisure and t
  • 新奇事件簿 挑战侏罗纪任务 This year will see one of the world's biggest ever dinosaur digs. Paleontologists from across the globe will go to a special site in the U.S. state of Wyoming to join the dig. A paleontologist is someone who studies fossils. The dig is called Mission
  • 新奇事件簿 催熟奶酪的最佳音乐 Scientists have discovered a bizarre link between music and cheese. Different genres of music affect the way cheese matures. A top Swiss cheese-maker and a team of researchers from Switzerland's Bern University conducted a six-month test to look into
  • 新奇事件簿 爱彼迎宾馆惊现隐藏摄像头 A family from New Zealand had a shock when they stayed at a hotel in Ireland. There was a hidden camera in their hotel room. The camera was live-streaming their actions over the Internet to the world. The father in the family was an IT security consu
  • 新奇事件簿 天文学家首次拍到黑洞 Astronomers have taken the first ever photograph of a black hole. It is located in a far, distant galaxy called M87, which is 500 million trillion km from Earth. That gargantuan number is a five followed by twenty zeroes. Scientists estimate the blac
  • 新奇事件簿 《星球大战9:天行者崛起》 There is good news for fans of the Star Wars movies. There will be another episode. It will be the ninth film to be made. The name of the new Star Wars movie was announced in Chicago. It is called The Rise of Skywalker. There is a two-minute trailer
  • 新奇事件簿 日本开始取出福岛核燃料棒 The Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) has started removing fuel rods from Japan's stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. Tepco is the company that operates the nuclear power plant. It was badly damaged and suffered meltdowns following being