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  • VOA新闻杂志2024 猛禽F150霸榜美国销量榜42年

    Americas Best-selling Vehicle Still on Top after 42 Years 猛禽F150霸榜美国销量榜42年 America's best-selling vehicle has not changed during the past 42 years. And some people might be surprised to learn that the top seller is not a car, but...

  • VOA新闻杂志2024 加沙地带医疗系统正在崩溃

    加沙地带医疗系统正在崩溃 A World Health Organization (WHO) official who recently returned from the Gaza Strip said recently that the health care system is collapsing. 最近从加沙地带返回的一名世界卫生组织官员最近表示,...

  • VOA新闻杂志2024 干旱导致水位下降, 巴拿马运河运力大减

    干旱导致水位下降, 巴拿马运河运力大减 Officials have ordered restrictions on shipping traffic in the Panama Canal because of reduced water levels. 由于水位下降,官员们已下令限制通过巴拿马运河的船只数量。 Th...

  • VOA新闻杂志2024 北极寒流席卷美国

    北极寒流席卷美国 Many parts of the world have experienced record-high temperatures in recent days. 最近几天,世界上许多地区都经历了创纪录的高温。 But much of the United States is dealing with extremely cold weather, tha...

  • VOA新闻杂志2024 北达科他州矿工意外挖出猛犸象牙

    北达科他州矿工意外挖出猛犸象牙 The first person who saw it was working overnight. 第一个看到它的人当时正在通宵工作。 The worker, a shovel operator, saw something white as he placed a large amount of dirt into the back...

  • VOA新闻杂志2024 巴布亚新几内亚骚乱已造成16人遇难

    巴布亚新几内亚骚乱已造成16人遇难 The government of Papua New Guinea declared a state of emergency on Thursday after at least 16 people were killed in rioting. 在至少16人在骚乱中丧生后,巴布亚新几内亚政府周四宣布进...

  • VOA新闻杂志2024 美国阿拉斯加航空波音客机脱落舱门已找到

    美国阿拉斯加航空波音客机脱落舱门已找到 Officials have recovered a part of an Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 Max passenger jet that blew off during a flight from Portland, Oregon to Ontario, California on Friday. 周五,阿拉斯加航空...

  • VOA新闻杂志2024 新加坡将废除国有公寓禁猫令

    新加坡将废除国有公寓禁猫令 Sunny is a proud Singaporean citizen who follows the laws of her country. Mostly, anyway. 桑妮是一名自豪的新加坡公民,她遵守自己国家的法律。至少大多数情况下是这样的。 For t...

  • VOA新闻杂志2024 2024年世界人口超80亿

    2024年世界人口超80亿 A U.S. government agency says the world's population grew by about 75 million people in 2023. 美国一家政府机构表示,2023年世界人口增加了约7500万人。 The U.S. Census Bureau notes the worldwide growth...

  • VOA新闻杂志2024 美国东部女多西部男多

    Official population data show more men live in the western United States, while more women live in the East and South. 官方人口数据显示,更多的男性生活在美国西部,而更多的女性生活在东部和南部。 The data was collec...
