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  • 木偶奇遇记 第135期:匹诺曹登台献艺(7)

    Observe, I beg of you, the savage look of his eye. 我只请求诸位注意他两眼发射出来的野性之光。 All the means used by centuries of civilization in subduing wild beasts failed in this case. 几个世纪文明里的一切驯兽手段都...

  • 木偶奇遇记 第134期:匹诺曹登台献艺(6)

    Most honored friends, Gentlemen and Ladies! 尊敬的朋友们,女士们和先生们! Your humble servant, the Manager of this theater, presents himself before you tonight 您谦恭的仆人,马戏团的班主今晚将为诸位观众 in order t...

  • 木偶奇遇记 第133期:匹诺曹登台献艺(5)

    The day came at last when Pinocchio's master was able to announce an extraordinary performance. 终于到了这一天,皮诺乔的主入可以宣布演出场真正非凡的节目了。 The announcements, posted all around the town, and written in l...

  • 木偶奇遇记 第132期:匹诺曹登台献艺(4)

    This hay is not bad, he said to himself. 这干草还不坏。他心里说, But how much happier I should be if I had studied! 可我要是继续读书了我会开心的多! Just now, instead of hay, I should be eating some good bread and butter....

  • 木偶奇遇记 第131期:匹诺曹登台献艺(3)

    Ah, you don't like hay either? he cried angrily. 啊,干草你也不爱吃?他生气地叫起来, Wait, my pretty Donkey, I'll teach you not to be so particular. 好吧,我的宝贝驴子,让我来教教你别那么挑剔。 Without more ad...

  • 木偶奇遇记 第130期:匹诺曹登台献艺(2)

    And now do you understand what the Little Man's profession was? 诸位现在想必知道,那个小个子男人是干什么的了? This horrid little being, whose face shone with kindness, went about the world looking for boys. 这个坏家伙脸上...

  • 木偶奇遇记 第129期:匹诺曹登台献艺(1)

    CHAPTER 33 第33章 Very sad and downcast were the two poor little fellows as they stood and looked at each other. 两个可怜的家伙站着互相对望,非常难过和沮丧。 Outside the room, the Little Man grew more and more impatient, 门外,...

  • 木偶奇遇记 第128期:匹诺曹变成了一头驴子(9)

    What is the matter? Oh, help me! I can no longer stand up. 你怎么啦?唉哟!救救我!我再也站不住了。 I can't either, cried Pinocchio; and his laughter turned to tears as he stumbled about helplessly. 我也站不住了,皮诺乔也...

  • 木偶奇遇记 第127期:匹诺曹变成了一头驴子(8)

    Let's hear the contract! Let us take off our caps together. All right? 让我们先听听协定的内容。咱俩同时摘帽子,同意吗? All right. Ready then! Pinocchio began to count, One! Two! Three! 同意。好,准备!皮诺乔开始大...

  • 木偶奇遇记 第126期:匹诺曹变成了一头驴子(7)

    The doctor has ordered it because I have bruised my foot. 大夫吩咐的,因为我一只脚擦伤了。 Oh, my poor Pinocchio! Oh, my poor Lamp-Wick! 噢,我可怜的皮诺乔!噢,我可怜的小灯芯! An embarrassingly long silence follo...
