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当前位置:主页 > TAG标签 > 老板
  • 双语:一位卓越老板的进阶之路

    双语:一位卓越老板的进阶之路 真正的好老板知道怎样才能最有效地激励员工为一个共同目标而奋斗。 Roll up your sleeves. Give your team a reason to believe they can succeed. Celebrate success. These are all standar...

  • 巴特曼海利迪现象 怎样破除对老板的崇拜

    Kids Company, a leading UK charity for disadvantaged children, collapsed a year ago amid allegations of gross financial mismanagement. 一年前,Kids Company倒闭了;倒闭前,这家帮助弱势儿童的英国领先慈善机构被指存在严重...

  • 老板自愿降薪改善员工薪水 员工送豪华车以表感谢

    Gravity Payments employees celebrated CEO Dan Price's victory in court against his brother by gifting him with a brand new car. 日前,Gravity Payments公司的CEO丹普莱斯在法院胜诉了他的哥哥,而员工们竟然送了一辆崭新的豪...

  • 惹毛老板的5个方法,you can you up!

    First of all know this: youre valuable. We love you. Youre important to the business. Its just that, well, sometimes as an employee you can do things that get under our skin. Want some examples? OK, here are five. Yes, some may seem petty. But theyre...

  • 老板做得到这些,不怕招不到好员工

    Businesses in every industry are faced with the task of recruiting and retaining quality employees. Smart business owners know that they have to offer competitive pay and benefits to potential recruits, but there are many different factors that job s...

  • 老板再见!5种捷径外快赚够了就跑吧

    Nearly everyone dreams of quitting his or her day job, whether it's tomorrow, next year or in the next decade. 几乎每人都想辞掉自己日常的工作,无论是明天辞职,明年辞职,还是下个十年辞职。 However, there is a wide...

  • 8件小事 老板觉得你应该知道怎么做

    Employers assume that those they hire know how to perform certain tasks. For example your boss will expect you to know how to write a professional email and answer the phone properly. Those tasks are pretty simple, but others are a bit more complicat...

  • 九成老板用Facebook筛应聘者

    Nine out of ten employers admit they always check social media before hiring applicants, it has been revealed. 调查显示,九成雇主承认他们在决定聘用之前会先看看应聘者在社交网站上发的内容。 Ninety-three percent use...

  • 我们老板一切照章办事


  • 我们老板真的很固执

