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  • 《辛普森一家》精讲21 霍默大难临头了

    You didn't Iisten to me after I warned you. 你根本不把我的警告当回事 Don't worry, nobody watches this stupid show. 别担心,这种无聊节目没人看的 What's that ominous gIow in the distance? 远处那些不详之光是怎么回事?...

  • 《辛普森一家》精讲20 令人震惊的消息

    I think the thing I miss most is a simpIe summer breeze. 我想我最怀念的,还是夏日中的一缕微风 Maggie? 玛吉? We've got dome wax, dome polish, dome freshener, all your dome needs,,, 无腊、无需抛光、无需翻修 你需要的就...

  • 《辛普森一家》精讲19 被切断一切资源的小镇

    Wait. We couIdn't be more poIIuted. Everyone stopped dumping in the Iake. 等一下,不再有污染了呀 大家都不再向湖中倾泻废物了 Apparently someone didn 't get the message, 很显然,有个家伙可不听这套 Act naturaI. 自然点...

  • 《辛普森一家》精讲18 把他们像老鼠一样困住

    The United States government, 美国联邦政府 My name is Russ Cargill and I'm head of the EPA, 我叫罗斯?卡吉尔,EPA的主管 The what? 什么? Environmental Protection Agency, -Come again? 环保局 - 再说一遍? Look, I'm a man on a...

  • 《辛普森一家》精讲17 总统的3号方案

    We're being seaIed in a dome! 我们被封在圆盖里了! What do I do? I don't know what to do! 我该怎么办?我不知道! If I stay, I'm trapped. If I Ieave, I'm aIone. 要是进来就被关在这儿 要是出去就孤零零一个人 Oh,...

  • 《辛普森一家》精讲16 epa就是环境保护局

    Russ CargiII, head of the EPA, here to see the president. 罗斯卡吉尔,环保局局长,来见总统 Mr. President. 总统先生 Ja, that is me. 对,我就是 (施瓦辛格总统) PoIIution in SpringfieId has reached crisis IeveIs. 斯普林...

  • 《辛普森一家》精讲15 一个免费的甜甜圈引发的后果

    Homer, you gotta get over here. 荷马,快过来 HeaIth inspector shut down the doughnut store, they're giving out free doughnuts! 卫生部门关掉了甜甜圈店 现在正免费发放呢! Oh, my God, oh, my God! I just got one thing I gotta do...

  • 《辛普森一家》精讲14 不可思议的猪猪

    Don't get any ideas. 千万别瞎想 Maybe we shouId kiss, just to break the tension. 也许我们应该亲一下 以缓解我们之间的紧张关系 Nothing. Nothing. 没什么,没什么 What's going on here? 这儿是怎么了? I'm not sure th...

  • 《辛普森一家》精讲13 大清洁行动

    No, the Iift is stuck. 不,升降机卡住了 Am I getting through to anyone? 大家明白我的意思吗? HeII, yeah. We need a new one of those things. 明白!我们需要一台新升降机! AII in favor of a new scissor Iift, say ''aye. ''...

  • 《辛普森一家》精讲12 污染的湖水

    Are we having fun yet? 玩够了吗? We are now. You've got a bite. 现在很好玩啊,你那有鱼咬钩了 Oh, no, my good poIe! 不!我的宝贝鱼竿! You're not strangIing me. 你怎么没掐我? What the--? StrangIing's onIy good for....
