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  • VOA标准英语2011--NYC 9/11 Rescuers Experience Lingering H

    NYC9/11RescuersExperienceLingeringHealthProblems Nearly 3,000 people died in the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001. But the twin towers' collapse and their smoldering ruins also exposed thousands of rescuers...

  • VOA慢速英语2011--Returning Migrants Often Bring Their Hea

    Health Report - Returning Migrants Often Bring Their Health Problems Home With Them 健康报道 - 关注难民和移民工人健康状况 This is the VOA Special English Health Report. 这里是美国之音慢速英语健康报道。 Everyone knows...

  • 直捷英语(mp3) Unit8:No problem

    [00:08.00]Unit 8 Lesson 1 No problem [00:10.80]1.Excuse me. Hi.Can I help you? [00:15.38]I have an appointment at the Blacksmith House Cafe in Cambridge. [00:18.67]How can I get there,please. [00:20.35]2.Do you know where in Cambridge? It's in Harvar...

  • 英语游戏:Sno' Problem

    [全屏观看] 点击右键- 另存为 可保存这个Flash影片...

  • 数学英语 01 A Math Problem

    by Jason Marshall Math is known for precision. Answers to problems are usually black-and-whiteright-or-wrongright? Its true that math is usually extremely precise, but ambiguity does occasionally creep in. Just like English, the language of math isnt...

  • 英语杂谈:22 The problem of vocabulary 3

    Gillian: Every two months or so, in a London suburb, a group of women have a meeting. They laugh a lot, talk excitedly and sometimes disagree quite strongly with each other. Every few days a 12-year old boy goes on the internet and writes a story abo...

  • 英语杂谈:21 The problem of vocabulary 2

    Dasha (Reporter): I am in the editorial building of a newspaper called English - it promotes the language, gives tips and helps students with difficulties they might have while learning English. Im here to meet a group of young enthusiasts who are me...

  • 英语杂谈:20 The problem of vocabulary 1

    Gary (Presenter): Hello. I don't know if you remember the moment you first realised you could read - I can't - but for the Argentinian writer, Alberto Manguel, it was a dramatic event. One day, from the window of a car I saw a billboard by the side o...

  • The Problem of Two Flounders

    Simon was an inveterate fisherman, well known for exaggerating the size of the one that got away. But there came a day when he actually caught two enormous flounders. He immediately invited a few friends over to dine, then tried to figure out how bes...

  • Coffee Problem

    A man was at the doctor's office. Every time I drink a cup of coffee, Doctor, I have a stabbing pain in my right eye. What should I do? he asked . Take the spoon out of your cup. answered the doctor. Notes: (1) stabbing adj.刺痛的(2) spoon n.匙子...
