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  • 苹果公司将停止使用Imagination Technologies的图形技术

    What happens when the biggest tech company in the world stops buying your products? 想象一下,当全球最大的科技公司停止购买你的产品时会发生什么呢? Imagination Technologies is learning that lesson right now -- and it's v...

  • 你在海外也将能骑共享单车! '单车大战'蔓延到国外

    China's famed bike wars may soon be fought on foreign shores, as Bluegogo and Mobike compete with fellow cycle hire company ofo in the British market. 随着Bluegogo、摩拜与自行车租赁同行企业ofo在英国市场展开竞争,我国声名远...

  • 优步方面表示并没有窃取谷歌的自驾技术

    Uber has said claims it used self-driving technology stolen from Google were demonstrably false. 优步日前宣称,该公司所使用的自驾技术绝不是从谷歌窃取来的。 Waymo - a company spun out of Google - filed a lawsuit in Februar...

  • 学霸家庭! 四胞胎同时被哈佛耶鲁录取!

    Quadruplet brothers in Ohio have all been accepted at two Ivy league universities Yale and Harvard, as well as other top universities in the country. 美国俄亥俄州一家四胞胎兄弟同时被哈佛和耶鲁两所常青藤大学录取,除此之...

  • 林家栋惠英红分获香港电影金像奖影帝影后

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  • 埃及教堂炸弹袭击致47人亡 总统宣布进入紧急状态

    Egypt's President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi announced a three-month state of emergency across the country after attacks on two Coptic churches that left at least 47 dead. 在两座科普特教堂遭袭导致至少47人死亡后,埃及总统阿卜杜勒法...

  • 调查显示 中国七成80后90后有房

    70% of Chinese millennials (the people born in the 1980s and 90s) are already home-owners, and more than 90% of those that haven't bought a home yet say they intend to do so in the next five years, a new survey by HSBC showed. 英国银行巨头汇丰的...

  • 著名女演员白百何被曝出轨 在泰国密会男模

    Rumours are rife that Chinese actress Bai Baihe may be cheating on her husband, Chen Yufan. 近日,有关中国女演员白百何出轨、背叛丈夫陈羽凡的传闻可谓甚嚣尘上。 As reported on Mingpao, speculations of an extra-marital a...

  • 环保部对28城启动强化督查 抽调5600人参与

    In the largest national-level inspection on record, more than two dozen cities in North China will face a strict one-year inspection over air pollution prevention and control, the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) announced last Wednesday. 环...

  • 报告显示 我国服务业GDP占比将达72%

    China should promote the development of the service sector, which will account for 72% of the gross domestic product (GDP) by 2030, according to a government think tank report issued last Wednesday. 根据上周三发布的一份政府智库报告,我...

  • 谈谈中国影视剧中的'玛丽苏'现象

    The Mary Sue, perhaps the most notorious clich ever, has been criticized widely because the very existence of a Mary Sue character usually ruins the story. 玛丽苏可能是有史以来最恶名在外的陈词滥调了,这一现象也受到了广泛...

  • 专家称内向者更易成为好员工

    Despite what many believe, extroverts are not the only office rock stars. 尽管许多人认为只有外向的人才是办公室里的明星员工,但事实并非如此。 While extroverts may be social butterflies and action-oriented, it is the qu...

  • 苹果公司承认Mac Pro的设计是一场失败的赌博

    Apple has acknowledged that the design of its standalone desktop computer, the Mac Pro, restricted its ability to update the model. 近日,苹果公司承认,其独立式桌面电脑Mac Pro的设计限制了该产品的更新换代。 The firm ha...

  • 调查显示 超7成受访者呼吁出台规定管理共享单车

    Users of urban shared-bike programs have called for regulation to address bike vandalism, and suggested that shared bike schemes should be an urban planning consideration, according to a survey by China Youth Daily. 根据《中国青年报》的一项...

  • 电影版《三生三世十里桃花》即将于暑期上映

    After the popular TV series Eternal Love, adapted from the online novel Three Lives Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Blossoms, a movie adaptation of the same book will hit Chinese theaters in the summer. 继热播电视剧《三生三世十里桃花》之后...
