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  • 乐天效应波及汽车业 现代起亚中国销量断崖式下跌

    Hyundai Motor and Kia Motors, South Korea's top two automakers, saw car sales in the Chinese market cut in half last month, statistics showed. 据统计数据显示,上个月韩国最大的两家汽车制造商--现代和起亚在中国市场的销量...

  • 我国严管校园食品安全 鼓励学校厨房安装监控

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  • 关于雄安新区 你需要了解的那些事儿!

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  • 这就尴尬了! 研究表明 跑马拉松会伤肾!

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  • 民调显示 美国人对中国好感度有所上升

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  • 加速京津冀一体化 北京'大七环'即将全线贯通

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  • 过去一年英国无人机投诉量增加了两倍

    Drones are stirring up public annoyance in the UK as the number of complaints to police are said to have soared 12-fold over the past two years - including allegations of snooping neighbors, burglary scoping exercises, prison smuggling and near-misse...

  • 警惕人工智能的失控风险

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  • 是时候为“全球化”正名了

    The great populist-insurgent of 100 years ago, one Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, found time while in cozy Zurich planning his Bolshevik revolution to pen an explanation for why things were kicking off, as we say these days: his book was entitled Imperiali...

  • 反腐力作《人民的名义》引领收视狂潮

    Chinese anti-graft TV drama In the Name of People became TV's champion after its first episode pulled in 2.41 percent of total viewers, according to CSM Media Research. 据索福瑞媒介研究公司表示,中国反腐电视剧《人民的名义》在...

  • 爆笑! C罗奇葩铜像遭全民吐槽!

    It was supposed to be an honour befitting of an example of excellence, the four-time footballer of the year who led Portugal to victory in last year's European Championship. C罗曾4次获得年度足球先生,2016年他带领葡萄牙队夺得欧洲...

  • 中国力求2020年前让80%的人口讲普通话

    China has said that it wants 80% of its citizens to speak Mandarin, the country's dominant dialect, by 2020. 中国政府于日前表示,希望在2020年前让80%的中国公民能够讲占主导地位的方言--普通话。 The current figure of 7...

  • 国际货币基金组织首次公布全球人民币外储

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released data about the world's holdings of the Chinese currency, the renminbi, denominated foreign exchange reserves for the first time. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)日前首次公布了全球人民币外汇储备...

  • BAT三巨头IT领袖峰会齐聚首 畅谈人工智能

    Executives at Chinese Internet giants, including Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent, are focusing on the development of artificial intelligence and believe the next decades will be a golden age for the industry. 包括百度、阿里巴巴以及腾讯在内的...

  • 我国首列市域动车组下线 最高时速可达140公里

    China's very first high-speed commuter train officially came off the production line of China Railway Rolling Stock Corp Qingdao Sifang Co. 我国首列市域动车组列车近日在中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司正式下线。 Comm...
