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  • 读者文摘:我从死亡事故中学到了什么(4)

    I may not have been able to walk yet, but I could, from my rehab bed, organize a cycling tour to raise money for adaptive bikes for disabled athletes. 我现在可能还不能行走,但是我可以在我的康复床上组织一次自行车赛,来为...

  • 读者文摘:我从死亡事故中学到了什么(3)

    Occasionally, I would hear a familiar voice, and that brought some comfort. 有时,我会听到一个熟悉的声音,那会给我带来一些舒适。 Whenever Sean came into the room, he would call out, Hey, honey, I'm here. 每当肖恩进到房间...

  • 读者文摘:我从死亡事故中学到了什么(2)

    The ride to the hospital took about 20 minutes. 坐车去医院大概用了20分钟。 The double doors of the ambulance opened to the sunlight, and from there it was straight to the emergency room, where, for the next eight hours, I kept dying. 救护...

  • 读者文摘:我从死亡事故中学到了什么(1)

    The day I died was the perfect New England fall morning. 我去世的这天是个完美的新英格兰的秋日的早晨。 It was 11 a.m. on Saturday, October 8, 2011, when I set out on the 12-mile bike ride home from work along the Connecticut shor...

  • 读者文摘:网友清洁笑话分享

    I don't see why I should have to clean the shower. In my opinion, it's the shower's job to clean me. 我不明白我为什么要清洁淋浴器。在我看来,应该是淋浴器来清洁我。 When your wife asks what's on TV, dust is not the right...

  • 读者文摘:21世纪最大规模的寻宝事件之一(4)

    The big question: Will Fenn's treasure (assuming it really exists) ever be found? 一个大问题:威尔芬恩的宝藏(假设它真的存在的话)能不能被发现? Neitzel says he has no intention of stopping until he or somebody else fin...

  • 读者文摘:21世纪最大规模的寻宝事件之一(3)

    Then there are the fatalities. Four people have died while searching, three of them in the summer of 2017: 然后就出现了死亡事故。四个人在寻宝时死掉了,其中三人的死亡发生在2017年夏天。 Jeff Murphy, who fell 500 feet...

  • 读者文摘:21世纪最大规模的寻宝事件之一(2)

    The home of Brown, for instance, could be Browns Canyon National Monument in Colorado, or Brown Cemetery in Montana, or Brown Hill in New Mexico. 例如,布朗之家可以是科罗拉多州的布朗峡谷国家纪念碑,或蒙大拿的布朗公墓,...

  • 读者文摘:21世纪最大规模的寻宝事件之一(1)

    Please don't say I buried it, says the e-mail from Forrest Fenn, 88岁的福雷斯特芬恩是墨西哥的一位退休的古董商, the 88-year-old retired antiques dealer from New Mexico who engineered one of the biggest treasure hunts of the 21st...

  • 读者文摘:搞笑趣事两则

    It was basic training, and I was seated in the barber chair bemoaning the impending loss of my hair when the barber asked, Where are you from? 那是在基础训练时期,我坐在理发椅上,为头发即将被剪掉而哀叹时,理发师问我:...

  • 读者文摘:成功的定义是什么(3)

    What do RD readers consider signs of success? Turn the page to find out. 读者文摘的读者认为成功的迹象是什么?让我们来看一下。 How Do You Define Success? 你是如何定义成功的? Going to bed with a clear conscience, kn...

  • 读者文摘:成功的定义是什么(2)

    We all left there within a year, as intended. Travis eventually landed a big-time job covering the Pittsburgh Pirates, 我们都按计划在一年内离开了那里。特拉维斯最终找到了一份报道匹兹堡海盗的重要工作, and he now...

  • 读者文摘:成功的定义是什么(1)

    I was having coffee this morning with a dear friend who's going through a difficult time at work. 今天早上我和一个在工作中遇到困难的好朋友一起喝咖啡。 In one of those moments that make you wonder who's winding the clock of l...

  • 读者文摘:九则引人思考的笑话(3)

    Seven. A man is driving home from work when his wife calls him on his cell phone. 一男子下班开车回家,这时他妻子给他打来电话。 Phil! she shouts in a panic, Please be careful! I just heard that some lunatic is driving the wrong w...

  • 读者文摘:九则引人思考的笑话(2)

    Four. A doctor walks into the examining room and puts his hand on his patient's shoulder. 一位医生走进检查室,把他的手放在他病人的肩膀上。 I'm afraid I have some bad news. You're dying, and you don't have much time left. Oh no...
