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  • 如何学好英语-语言是用来沟通的,要反复练习说(1)

    How to learn English well? 如何学好英语 What is language for? Some people seem to think it is for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of words--the longer the words the better. That's wrong. Language is for the exchange of ideas, for co...

  • 职场必备-不要认为自己无所不知(4)

    Don't be a know-it-all. 不要认为自己无所不知 Even though you may think you're bright, don't get as welled head. People will always seek out intelligent coworkers, but no one wants to work with a know-it-all. Demonstrate your knowledge about...

  • 职场必备-做通达的人而不是聪明的人(3)

    职场必备 Be knowledgeable, not smart. 做通达的人,而不是聪明的人 There's a big difference between being smart and being knowledgeable. Knowing a lot about a particular topic may make yousound like a smarty, but it won't necessarily h...

  • 职场必备-了解你的同事(2)

    职场必备 Get to know your office peeps. 了解你的同事 Know how to interact effectively and positively with your coworkers. Many people lose their jobs because they can't get along withtheir workmates. One way to interact effectively is to be...

  • 职场必备-学习工作术语(1)

    职场必备 Learn the lingo. 学习工作术语 Many careers use terminology in the industry. A person who doesn't speak the language will never be able to get their ideas across, and might even make a serious mistake. Take the time to learn the lan...

  • 告别拖延症-把事情分成更容易达成的几部分(3)

    Say goodbye to procrastination. 告别拖延症。 Break Projects Down into More Manageable Segments 把事情分成更容易达成的几部分 When you are faced with a big project, you mightfeel daunted, intimidated, or even hopeless when you look...

  • 告别拖延症-认识拖延症的起因(2)

    Say goodbye to procrastination. 告别拖延症。 Recognize the Onset of Procrastination 认识拖延症的起因 As you start to tackle items on your list, payattention to when thoughts of procrastination start to creep into your mind. 当你开始按...

  • 告别拖延症-奖励自己(1)

    Say goodbye to procrastination. 告别拖延症。 Eliminate Distractions 排除干扰因素 It's hard to get any real work done when you keepturning your attention to what's on television or you keep checking yourfriends Facebook status updates. Ass...

  • 提升运气-抢占先机(4)

    How to be lucky dog? 提升运气 Be Early 抢占先机 Being early breeds serendipity. Really. When you are early for things, even meetings and appointments, magical things tend to happen. That is when chance happens. 早一步就蕴藏着意外的运...

  • 提升运气-跳出你的圈子(3)

    How to be a lucky dog? 提升运气 Go Outside Your Domain We all tend to stay in our comfort zones. It is when you stray outside your normal elements that you often discover new luck. So,get out there and go beyond your normal boundaries. Raise the...

  • 提升运气-不要循规蹈矩(2)

    ow to be a lucky dog. 提升运气 Don't Follow the Rules 不要循规蹈矩 Rules were meant to be broken. Or rather maybe they are just guidelines. This is not about doing anything crazy or unethical, itis about challenging the status quo and the n...

  • 提升运气-多做一件事(1)

    提升运气 Do One More Thing 多做一件事 Those who are lucky do more than those who are not. Make it a habit to always do one more thing. Whether it is finishing a job right, or one last task at the end of a long day. Do it every day for a year...

  • 人生忠告-有想法就尽情说出来(8)

    人生忠告 Speak up more. As the saying goes, it's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. You are your one and only true advocate, so never be afraid to stand up for yourself and speak your mind, because regret's a b****. Know when to walk away. M...

  • 人生忠告-多存钱(7)

    人生忠告 Save more money. 多存钱 Retirement is no joke, as you'll learn by 50. As you stare at the bleak reality of your 401K, you might find yourself counting every nickel and dime you wasted on frivolous expenses. So pack your lunch, find st...

  • 人生忠告-多旅游(6)

    人生忠告 Travel more. 多旅游 You're only young once. So before you get tied down by responsibilities of amortgage, a spouse and kids, it's a good idea to explore the world and all it has to offer (as long as it doesn't break the bank!). Consid...
