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  • 坏习惯-责备(6)

    Eradicating these bad habits 改掉坏习惯 Blaming. 责备 We need to feel in control of our lives in order tobe happy, which is why blaming is so incompatible with happiness. When youblame other people or circumstances for the bad things that happ...

  • 坏习惯-消极(5)

    Eradicating these bad habits 改掉坏习惯 Negativity. 消极 Life won't always go the way you want it to, butwhen it comes down to it, you have the same 24 hours in the day as everyoneelse. 生活并不会尽如人意,当不如意时,你和别人...

  • 坏习惯-批判(4)

    Eradicating these bad habits 改掉坏习惯 Criticizing. 批判 Judging other people and speaking poorly of them isa lot like over indulging in a decadent dessert; it feels good while you're doing it, but afterwards, you feel guilty and sick. 评判别...

  • 坏习惯-控制(3)

    Eradicating these bad habits 改掉坏习惯 Controlling. 控制 It's hard to be happy without feeling in control ofyour life, but you can take this too far in the other direction by making yourself unhappy through trying to control too much. 对生活...

  • 坏习惯-孤立自己(2)

    Eradicating these bad habits 改掉坏习惯 Isolating yourself. 孤立自己 Isolating yourself from social contact is a prettycommon response to feeling unhappy, but there's a large body of research thatsays it's the worst thing you can do. 从社交...

  • 坏习惯-对敬畏免疫(1)

    Eradicating these bad habits 改掉坏习惯 Immunity to awe. 对敬畏免疫 Amazing things happen around you every day if youonly know where to look. 如果你知道在哪里看,神奇的事情每天都会在你身边发生。 Technology has expo...

  • 快乐的人不信-每个人都讨厌我(4)

    快乐的人不信这一套。 Everyone hates me. 每个人都讨厌我。 This is a toxic belief and a delusion, yet sadly agreat proportion of unhappy people fall prey to this, which is largely why theyare unhappy. Happy people face the world with...

  • 快乐的人不信-我不行(3)

    快乐的人不信这一套。 I can't. 我不行。 If you believe you are incapable and let that belief keep you from happiness, then ultimately you give truth to a self-imposed fallacy. 如果你认为你不行,让这信念让你远离幸福,那么最...

  • 快乐的人不信-人们有义务以一个特定的方式爱我(2)

    快乐的人不信这一套。 I'm in control of things. 我在控制世事。 As hard as you work, and as much as you try to planit all out, you're just not in control. You cannot control the actions orthoughts of others. In order to reach happiness...

  • 快乐的人不信-生活是公平的(1)

    快乐的人不信这一套。 Life is fair. 生活是公平的 Happiness isn't about always getting what you want.Happy people understand that sometimes life doesn't go their way; life isntfair. What they do know, is that you can only do your best,...

  • 与同事相处愉快-别容忍叫喊(7)

    Get on well with colleague 与同事相处愉快 Don't tolerate yelling 别容忍叫喊 Yelling, acting out, tantrums, or verbal abuse of any sort have no place within the boundaries of a collaboration. 任何形式的叫喊、宣泄、发怒、说粗话...

  • 与同事相处愉快-改正(6)

    Get on well with colleague 与同事相处愉快 Revise 改正 No one gets it perfectly right the first time. 第一次往往都是不完美的。 In fact, perfectionism is probably the biggest barrier to getting the first flaw-riddled draft out into...

  • 与同事相处愉快-如果你认可别人做的事就赞美他们(5)

    Get on well with colleague 与同事相处愉快 Praise others if you like what they're doing 如果你认可别人做的事,就赞美他们 Do you like something your partner did, said, made,or wrote? 你喜欢你的工作伙伴做过的事、说过...

  • 与同事相处愉快-做好带回家的工作(4)

    Get on well with colleague 与同事相处愉快 Do your homework 做好带回家的工作 Depending upon the collaboration and the desires ofthe collaborators, a percentage of the work will get done together and a percentage of it will be done at ho...

  • 与同事相处愉快-选择正确的环境(3)

    Get on well with colleagues 与同事相处愉快 Choose the right setting 选择正确的环境 Location, location, location, they say in realestate, and the same can be said for an artistic endeavor. 位置,位置,位置,人们总在房地产领...
