2010年ESL之旅行交通购物 01 Shopping for a Hat
01 Shopping for a Hat GLOSSARY to protect to keep something safe; to keep something out of danger or awayfrom harm; to make sure something isnt hurt, injured, or killed * Chantasit protects his important documents by putting them in his safe. beret a
2010年ESL之旅行交通购物 02 Getting Around Without a Car
02 Getting Around Without a Car GLOSSARY to have got (something) covered to have something under control; to be incontrol of a situation; to know how to handle or deal with a situation * Yes, theres a lot of work to do by Friday, but dont worry. Insl
2010年ESL之旅行交通购物 03 Using a Camera
03 Using a Camera GLOSSARY camera a device used to take photographs of images, people, or scenes * Im not a professional photographer, so I dont need an expensive camera. Justa simple camera is good enough for me. photography the art and science of t
2010年ESL之旅行交通购物 04 An Emergency Airplane Landing
04 An Emergency Airplane Landing GLOSSARY cockpit the part of the plane where the pilot and co-pilot sit, separated from therest of the airplane * The cockpit is filled with instruments used to operate the plane. turbulence a period when there is a l
2010年ESL之旅行交通购物 05 Applying for a Passport
05 Applying for a Passport GLOSSARY passport a small official book, issued by a national government, that allows aperson to travel to other countries and return to ones own country * Mojo likes to look at all of the stamps in his passport to remember
2010年ESL之旅行交通购物 06 Buying Fake Products
06 Buying Fake Products GLOSSARY designer with a particular label or brand, especially in fashion * Why would you pay $200 for a pair of designer jeans when regular jeans costjust $25? steal a bargain; something that offers very good value for a smal
2010年ESL之旅行交通购物 07 Assigning Blame in a Car Accident
07 Assigning Blame in a Car Accident GLOSSARY shaken up disoriented, shocked, scared, and confused by something that hashappened, and not knowing what to do next * After the company presidents surprising announcement, everyone was shakenup. totaled c
2010年ESL之旅行交通购物 08 Telling People Where You’re From
08 Telling People Where Youre From GLOSSARY from around here from the local area; born in the surrounding area; born inthis town or city * Ive lived here most of my adult life, but Im not from around here. originally from referring to the place where
2010年ESL之旅行交通购物 09 Reading a World Map
09 Reading a World Map GLOSSARY map a piece of paper with drawings and text showing the location of places * Noah hung a large world map on his office wall and circled all the places he hasvisited. globe a round ball that rotates in a special stand a
2010年ESL之旅行交通购物 10 Paying Airline Fees
10 Paying Airline Fees GLOSSARY fee money paid to do or have something; money paid for a professional service * The library charges a late fee of $1 per day for each overdue book. to tack on to add something; to include one or more additional items *
2010年ESL之旅行交通购物 11 Handling a Traffic Stop
11 Handling a Traffic Stop GLOSSARY siren the part of a police car, ambulance, or fire truck that makes a very loudnoise to let drivers know that they should move aside and allow it to go through * When I hear a siren, I know I should slow down or st
2010年ESL之旅行交通购物 12 Describing Touch and Textures
12 Describing Touch and Textures GLOSSARY just our luck a phrase used when something bad has happened and onewants to show frustration about something that was beyond ones control,especially when the event is one of many bad things that have happened
2010年ESL之旅行交通购物 13 Reading a Bus Schedule
13 Reading a Bus Schedule GLOSSARY bus schedule written information about where buses go and stop, how often,and at what times * According to this bus schedule, there isnt any bus service on Sundays. route number the number assigned to all buses that
2010年ESL之旅行交通购物 14 Types of Cars and Vehicles
14 Types of Cars and Vehicles GLOSSARY to be in the market for (something) to be shopping for something; to beconsidering all the types of something that are available for sale, deciding whichone to buy * How long have you been in the market for a ne
2010年ESL之旅行交通购物 15 Preparing to Travel
15 Preparing to Travel GLOSSARY psyched an informal word for being very excited about something; ready andeager to do something; mentally prepared for something that one is lookingforward to * All the actors are psyched about opening night. to hold (