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  • 国家地理 杀人蜂 30 years after Doctor Cur's fateful African trip, graduate students from the University of Miami are on a field trip exploring caves. 在柯尔博士的非洲之行30年后,迈阿密大学的研究生们正在野外探险洞穴。 Moving ahead of t
  • 国家地理 耶路撒冷神圣地 The Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Since the 4th century AD, it's been the holiest shrine in Christianity. Many Christians believe this is Golgotha where Jesus was crucified. But the majestic church contains another traditional site of utmost venerati
  • 国家地理 血钻 There's a disturbing side to the diamond trade--- the traffic of conflict diamonds, otherwise known as blood diamonds. This is Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone on the West African coast, a country still emerging from ten years of war. During tha
  • 国家地理 巨型蝙蝠 As the sun goes down every evening in northern Australia, millions of dark, huge, winged creatures dominate the skies. 在澳大利亚北部,每天晚上太阳下山的时候,数以百万计的黑色、巨大、有翅膀的生物占领了天空。
  • 国家地理 食鸟蛛奇 They're the big, hairy spiders of our nightmares. And it's no wonder we are afraid. Tarantulas are the biggest of all the arachnids. These spiders are killing machines perfectly adapted to their habitats. And the biggest and battiest of them all is t
  • 国家地理 玛雅神庙之谜 Deep in the jungles of Guatemala lie the ruins of a lost Maya civilization. The culture thought of as the classic Maya flourished across Central America between 250-900 AD. But archeologists are now discovering a Maya society that existed a full thou
  • 国家地理 章鱼逃命大法 Here in the Timor Sea off northern Australia, take a look at a creature that seems to have the soul of a riverboat gambler. 在远离北澳大利亚的帝汶海,来看一看一种拥有河船赌客般灵魂的生物。 It moves through turf dominat
  • 国家地理 树之最 Redwoods are the tallest living trees on the planet. 红杉是地球上现存最高的树。 And one of the best places to see them is northern California's Redwood National Forest. 观赏红杉的最佳地是加利福尼亚北部的红杉树国家公园
  • 国家地理 火星生命 Believe it or not, astrobiologist Penny Boston is searching for life on Mars by dropping deep into this heart of darkness. 不管你信不信,天体生物学家潘妮波士顿正在深入黑暗的腹地寻找火星生物。 This is a lava tube, a s
  • 国家地理 动物标本剥制师 Grizzly bears once roamed much of the United States. 灰熊曾在美国的很多地区出没。 But two centuries of hunting and habitat loss have devastated their numbers. Today, less than 1,200 live in the Lower 48. 但是两世纪的狩猎和栖息地
  • 国家地理 走险恶魔岛 During his days of crime, Darwin Coon was a reckless young man. 横行期间的达尔文库恩是一个鲁莽的年轻人。 He robbed five banks in the Midwest and escaped from the Nevada State Penitentiary. 他在中西部抢劫了五家银行,从内
  • 国家地理 终极者—鲨鱼 What exactly is the power that drives nature's most famous jaws? In New Zealand, this great white shark drowned in a fisherman's net. 到底是什么力量驱使着自然中最著名的大白鲨?在新西兰,这只大白鲨在渔民的网中溺亡。
  • 国家地理 走险撒哈拉 For centuries, nomads and traders have made their way here. George is determined to follow in their footsteps. 几世纪以来,游牧民和贸易商都来到了这里。乔治决定追随者他们的脚步。 There is a timelessness about this plac
  • 国家地理 蓝脚鲣鸟 The mating ritual of each species on Earth has certain, well, peculiarities. 地球上每一个物种它们的交配惯例中都存在某种怪癖。 As you might tell it from the name of the species itself, blue-footed boobies are no exception to th
  • 国家地理 动物星球: 狮 On the southern edge of Ngorongoro Swamp, the lake cats have a new opportunity to make a big kill. 恩戈罗恩戈罗保护区沼泽地南端,湖边的大猫们获得了一次捕杀的机会。 Buffalo have poor vision. They are only 30 meters away