经济学人212:科学出版 信息的价格
Science and technology 科学技术 Scientific publishing 科学出版 The price of information 信息的价格 Academics are starting to boycott a big publisher of journals 学术界开始联合抵制某个大型期刊出版商 SOMETIMES it takes bu
Science and technology 科学技术 Arthritis and botulinum toxin 关节炎与肉毒杆菌毒素 Something to celebrate 值得庆贺 Botulinum toxin may help relieve chronic pain 肉毒杆菌毒素也许能够帮助缓解慢性疾病的痛苦 An infl
Science and technology 科学技术 Another Earth? 另一个地球? Home away from home 远离家乡的家 ONE of the more memorable slogans to come out of the climate-change talks in Durban over the past few days is: 在过去几天的Durban气候变
Science and technology 科学技术 Social networking for scientists 为科学家服务的社交网络 Professor Facebook 教授们的Facebook More connective tissue may make academia more efficient 更多连接支持,涌动更有效率的学术界
经济学人216:人造肉 人造汉堡的诞生
Science and technology 科学技术 Artificial meat 人造肉 Hamburger junction 人造汉堡的诞生 Muscle grown in factories could soon be appearing in a supermarket near you 工厂培养的肉可能很快出现在你周围的超市了 A QUARTER
Science and technology 科学技术 Sex and love 性与爱 The modern matchmakers 现代红娘 Internet dating sites claim to have brought science to the age-old question of how to pair off successfully. But have they? 互联网相亲网站声称已经
经济学人218:核辐射与进化 辐射尘中幸免于难
Science and technology 科学技术 Radiation and evolution 核辐射与进化 Surviving fallout 辐射尘中 幸免于难 Birds can evolve to cope with the lingering effects of nuclear incidents 鸟类能够通过进化应对核事故的残余影响
Science and technology 科学技术 Searching for aliens 寻找外星人 The wow factor 防止再次意外 A new citizen-science project will improve the chances of finding ET 一个新的平民科学项目可以增大找到地外智慧的机会 EVER
经济学人220:人类繁衍 45岁也能生娃
Science and technology 科学技术 Human reproduction 人类繁衍 Life begins at 45 45岁也能生娃 Hope for older mothers 高龄母亲的福音 WHEN it comes to reproduction, men have it easy. 讲到繁衍,男人表示压力很小。 Almost to
经济学人221:可见光通信 与光共舞
Science and technology 科学技术 Visible-light communication 可见光通信 Tripping the light fantastic 与光共舞 A fast and cheap optical version of Wi-Fi is coming 一个高速而廉价的光学Wi-Fi即将问世 AMONG the many new gadgets u
Science and technology 科学技术 The first case of ursine tool use 第一只会用工具的熊 Ready for my close-up, Dr Deecke Deecke博士,准备给我来张特写吧 PRIMATES apart, few mammals employ tools. 除了灵长类动物,会使用工
经济学人223:无人机 向无人机打手势
Science and technology 科学技术 Pilotless aircraft 无人机 Giving drones a thumbs up 向无人机打手势 How to integrate the control of piloted and pilotless aircraft 如何让指挥有人机的方法适用于无人机 DECK officers on Ameri
经济学人224:定制宠物 只需按一下打印键
Science and technology 科学技术 Bespoke pets 定制宠物 Just press print 只需按一下打印键 It will soon be possible to design and build household animals to order 按需定制宠物很快将成为现实 I could have sworn I ordered this
经济学人225:光电池 染料光电池
Science and technology 科学技术 Photoelectric cells 光电池 To dye for 染料光电池 A new type of cell may bring solar energy indoors 一种新型电池有望将太阳能引进室内 THE phrase indoor solar power sounds like an oxymoron. 室内
经济学人226:仿生学 我想来点咖啡
Science and technology 科学技术 Bionics 仿生学 I think I'd like some coffee 我想来点咖啡 A paralysed woman gets herself a drink 四肢瘫痪的女人也能自己喝咖啡 HELPING yourself to a cup of coffee may seem like a small, everyda