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  • 经济学人287:3D打印 构筑长城的新砖石 Science and technology 科学技术 3D printing 3D打印 A new brick in the Great Wall 构筑长城的新砖石 Additive manufacturing is growing apace in China 中国的叠层制造正在飞速发展 ALTHOUGH it is the weekend, a small factory in th
  • 经济学人288:生物技术专利 自然正义 Science and technology 科学技术 Biotechnology patents 生物技术专利 Natural justice 自然正义 America's Supreme Court is to rule on the patenting of genes 美国最高法院将对基因专利做出裁决 THE nine justices on America's Sup
  • 经济学人289:怎样成为扑克牌高手 诀窍之一 Science and technology 科学技术 How to win at poker 怎样成为扑克牌高手 A handy tip 诀窍之一 Keeping a straight face is not enough 喜怒不形于色?不太够 A POKER face. It is the expressionless gaze that gives nothing away. 所谓
  • 经济学人290:男性魅力 腹肌绝对是极好的! Science and technology 科学技术 Male attractiveness 男性魅力 Abs-olutely fabulous 腹肌,绝对是极好的! Women's expectations of the opposite sex are at least as unrealistic as men's 男女对异性抱有的期望都不切实际,但女
  • 经济学人291:绘制大脑活动地图 棘手的细胞 Science and technology 科学技术 The Brain Activity Map 绘制大脑活动地图 Hard cell 棘手的细胞 An ambitious project to map the brain is in the works. Possibly too ambitious 一个绘制大脑活动地图的宏伟计划正在准备当中,
  • 经济学人292:天体化学 空中的大试管 Science and technology 科学技术 Astrochemistry 天体化学 The great test tube in the sky 空中的大试管 Space is one big chemistry set 宇宙是一个很大的化学装置 MOST people think of the empty space between the stars as being, wel
  • 经济学人293:航海 水晶球观海术 Science and technology 科学技术 Navigation 航海 Crystal gazing 水晶球观海术 A mineral found in a shipwreck was an ancient form of compass 在沉船里发现的矿石是古代的一种指南针 THIS may look like a nondescript lump of rock
  • 经济学人294:寒武纪大爆发 动物王国出现 Science and technology 科学技术 The Cambrian explosion 寒武纪大爆发 Kingdom come 动物王国出现 Chinese palaeontologists hope to explain the rise of the animals 中国古生物学家希望解释动物的起源 AMONG the mysteries of evo
  • 经济学人295:桌面上的天体物理学 怎样建立一个多元宇宙 Science and technology 科学技术 Table-top astrophysics 桌面上的天体物理学 How to build a multiverse 怎样建立一个多元宇宙 Small models of cosmic phenomena are shedding light on the real thing 宇宙现象的一些小模型反映了
  • 经济学人296:艾滋病研究 HIV感染者被治愈了? Science and technology 科学技术 AIDS research 艾滋病研究 Cured of HIV? HIV感染者被治愈了? An American child seems to have been 美国HIV感染幼童似乎真是如此 IN JOURNALISM, cynics suggest, three data points are enough for a
  • 经济学人297:应对小行星撞击 近地掠过 Science and technology 科学技术 Dealing with asteroid strikes 应对小行星撞击 A close shave 近地掠过 After a hit and a near miss minds are focusing on the risks from space rocks 在一次撞击和一次近距离擦肩而过后,人们开
  • 经济学人298:海洋生物 跳蚤市场 Science and technology 科学技术 Marine biology 海洋生物 Flea market 跳蚤市场 A newly discovered virus may be the most abundant organism on the planet 一种新发现的病毒可能是地球上最丰富的物种。 WHAT is the commonest li
  • 经济学人299:北极海域 龙舌兰日落 Science and technology 科学技术 The Arctic 北极海域 Tequila sunset 龙舌兰日落 Global warming may make the northernmost ocean less productive, not more so 全球变暖对北极海域生产力的负面影响 ON SEPTEMBER 16th 2012, at the
  • 经济学人300:导热 优质传导 Science and technology 科学技术 Channelling heat 导热 Good conduct 优质传导 It may soon be possible to control heat flows with great precision 可能很快人们就有可能如臂使指地控制热量流动了 HEAT, as every schoolboy knows
  • 经济学人301:船舶技术 探索未知之旅 Science and technology 科学技术 Marine technology 船舶技术 A voyage of discovery 探索未知之旅 New technology can make ships more versatile, more efficient and cleaner, too 新技术使轮船更万能、更高效、也更环保 IN THE da