经济学人302:可重复使用的航天器 乘喷气式火箭的乘客
Science and technology 科学技术 Reusable spacecraft 可重复使用的航天器 Jet-set rocket-man 乘喷气式火箭的乘客 A small British firm is working on a nifty new jet-rocket hybrid engine 英国一家小公司正在研发一款轻巧的新
Science and technology 科学技术 Post-traumatic stress disorder 创伤后精神紧张性障碍 Battle ready? 士兵,你准备好了吗? It may be possible to vaccinate soldiers against the trauma of war 为士兵接种抗战争创伤疫苗成为
Science and technology 科学技术 How to win at poker 怎样成为扑克牌高手 A handy tip 诀窍之一 Keeping a straight face is not enough 喜怒不形于色?不太够 A POKER face. It is the expressionless gaze that gives nothing away. 所谓
经济学人305:人类智力 还是更聪明
Science and technology 科学技术 Human intelligence 人类智力 Cleverer still 还是更聪明 Geniuses are getting brighter. 天才越来越聪明。 And at genius levels of IQ, girls are not as far behind boys as they used to be 而在智商达到
经济学人306:手的进化 拳头的演化
Science and technology 科学技术 The evolution of the hand 手的进化 Making a fist of it 拳头的演化 How a dual-use bodily structure came into existence 人手的双重功能如何生成 THE appendage at the end of a human being's arm is a
经济学人307:精神身体医学 好好反省一下吧
Science and technology 科学技术 Psychosomatic medicine 精神身体医学 Think yourself well 好好反省一下吧 You can. But it helps to think well of yourself in the first place 你可以的。只是它会首先帮你好好反省一下自己。
经济学人308:集资科技 积跬步致千里
Science and technology 科学技术 Crowdfunding science 集资科技 Many a mickle makes a muckle 积跬步致千里 These days, anyone can be a scientific philanthropist 眼下人人都是科技慈善家 NECESSITY, so the proverb has it, is the mot
经济学人309:节肢动物学 情人为食
Science and technology 科学技术 Arachnology 节肢动物学 Having a mate for dinner 情人为食 Male spiders make the supreme sacrifice for their children 雄蛛对后代的无私奉献 AMONG spiders, the female of the species really is more de
经济学人310:表观遗传学与健康 祖母的诅咒
Science and technology 科学技术 Epigenetics and health 表观遗传学与健康 Grandma's curse 祖母的诅咒 Some of the effects of smoking may be passed from grandmother to grandchild 祖母吸烟产生的影响可以会遗传至孙子或孙女
经济学人311:超级计算 更深奥的思维
Science and technology 科学技术 Supercomputing 超级计算 Deeper thought 更深奥的思维 The world has a new fastest computer, thanks to video games 多亏电子游戏,让世界拥有了一台新的最快的计算机 The ultimate games mac
经济学人312:无人驾驶飞机 呼叫这里是你的地面飞行员
Science and technology 科学技术 Pilotless aircraft 无人驾驶飞机 This is your ground pilot speaking 呼叫,这里是你的地面飞行员 Autonomous civil aircraft could be flying before cars go driverless 民用飞机会先于汽车实现无
经济学人313:太阳能飞机 莱特附体?
Science and technology 科学技术 Solar-powered aircraft 太阳能飞机 The Wright stuff? 莱特附体? An enthusiastic inventor hopes to sell sun-powered planes 一位希望出售太阳能飞机的痴狂发明家 THERE is something of the 19th
经济学人314:三维压制 第三世界的发展空间
Science and technology 科学技术 3D printing 三维压制 A third-world dimension 第三世界的发展空间 A new manufacturing technique could help poor countries as well as rich ones 一项新的制造技术能够对贫困国家有所帮助,就
经济学人315:恐龙行为 疯狂撞头的家伙
Science and technology 科学技术 Dinosaur behaviour 恐龙行为 Headbangers 疯狂撞头的家伙 Evidence of duelling dinosaurs 战斗性恐龙的证据 WORKING out how an extinct animal behaved when it was alive is tricky. 对于灭绝的生物来
经济学人316:发射飞机 让电磁感应来验证
Science and technology 科学技术 Launching aircraft 发射飞机 Proof by induction 让电磁感应来验证 In the future, airliners could be catapulted into the sky by electric motors 将来,会用电动机将客机弹射到天空中 READERS o