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  • 2022年经济学人 办公室的考古学(2) If your office still uses internal mail, with those special envelopes that have peoples names crossed out as they wend their way round an organisation, you are in a corporate period drama. 如果你的办公室仍然在用那种有特殊信封的内部
  • 2022年经济学人 巴西总统竞选连任不承认败选 The world this week--Politics 本周国际要闻--政治 Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, a leftist former president, won Brazils election, beating Jair Bolsonaro, the populist right-wing incumbent. 巴西左翼前总统路易斯伊纳西奥卢拉达席尔瓦
  • 2022年经济学人 马斯克对推特进行大整顿 The world this week--Business 本周国际要闻--商业 After months of prevarication and legal limbo, Elon Musk completed his takeover of Twitter and promptly ousted the chief executive, the chief financial officer, the head of policy and the entir
  • 2022年经济学人 启发性文学体裁的终结:常用语手册的消亡(1) Sells of phrasebooks are falling fast. 外语常用语手册的销量正在迅速下降。 The phrasebook had looked so helpful. 常用语手册曾经似乎很有用。 When Eric Newby, a writer, set out to walk in the Hindu Kush in 1956, he knew he
  • 2022年经济学人 启发性文学体裁的终结:常用语手册的消亡(2) The consequences of eating are of abiding interest to British travellers of old. 用餐后的感受一直是旧时英国旅行者感兴趣的问题。 After the food, Leeks Italian offers the regretful: I feel qualmish, sick. 吃完饭后,利克用意
  • 2022年经济学人 通货膨胀:更快、更高、更长(1) Finance economics 财经板块 Inflation: Faster, higher, longer 通货膨胀:更快、更高、更长 The Fed delivers another jumbo rate rise, and its far from done 美联储再次大幅加息,而这离结束还早着呢 As recently as the star
  • 2022年经济学人 通货膨胀:更快、更高、更长(2) The second dimension is also becoming clearer. 第二个维度也愈发清晰。 In September the median expectation of Fed officials was that rates would peak at 4.6% next year. 9月份,美联储官员的预期中值是利率将在明年达到4.6%的
  • 2022年经济学人 当代英雄匹诺曹(1) Culture 文化板块 Back Story: Pinocchio, hero of our time 前传:当代英雄匹诺曹 He cannot hide his lies. He wants to be a celebrity. But is he a real boy? 他无法掩盖谎言。他想成名。但他是一个真正的男孩吗? He lies
  • 2022年经济学人 当代英雄匹诺曹(2) Fun versus duty, autonomy and submission, innocence and experience: Carlo Collodis tale, first published in Italian in serial form in 1881, suggests many enduring themes and interpretations. 寻欢作乐还是担起责任、独立自主还是俯首听命
  • 2022年经济学人 英国护士大罢工 The world this week--Politics 本周国际要闻--政治 The Democrats fared better than expected in Americas midterm elections. 美国民主党在中期选举中的表现好于预期。 The Republicans were on course to capture the House of Represen
  • 2022年经济学人 当Meta宣布裁员1.1万人 The world this week--Business 本周国际要闻--商业 Meta laid off 11,000 employees, or 13% of its workforce, amid falling revenues from advertising and e-commerce. 在广告活动和电子商务收入下降的情况下,Meta解雇了1.1万名员工
  • 2022年经济学人 外来入侵物种是否能对生态环境有利(1) Alien plants and animals are not all bad. 外来入侵动植物不都是有害的。 Introduced species have a bad rap. 外来引进物种的名声很差。 From American grey squirrels displacing European red ones, to Japanese knotweed displacing ju
  • 2022年经济学人 外来入侵物种是否能对生态环境有利(2) Another attempt to undo a human-induced intrinsic harm is the introduction of Aldabra giant tortoises to ile aux Aigrettes, near Mauritius, to replace an extinct local species that had been crucial to maintaining this islands ebony forests. 还有一个
  • 2022年经济学人 科技股现在划算吗?(1) Finance economics 财经板块 Buttonwood: The sock parallel 梧桐树:股票和袜子差不多 Tech stocks have tanked. Are they now good value? 科技股大幅下挫。它们现在划算吗? As any savvy shopper knows, there is a world of differe
  • 2022年经济学人 科技股现在划算吗?(2) These sky-high valuations partly reflected tech companies characteristics. 这些天价估值在一定程度上反映了科技公司的特点。 Firms from Alphabet to Zoom tend to have relatively few physical assets that are captured by book value a