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  • 2022年经济学人 小蓝鸟与大老板(1) Business 商业版块 Bartleby: The bird and the boss 巴托比:小蓝鸟与大老板 A billionaires challenge to management thinking 亿万富翁的管理思维挑战 Elon musks takeover of Twitter raises questions of policy: is it right for the w
  • 2022年经济学人 小蓝鸟与大老板(2) The authors of the paper did discover a wide range of approaches, with some managers going on gut instinct and others using very formalised processes. 调查发现,他们的决策方式确实各不相同,一些管理者凭直觉行事,另一些则
  • 2022年经济学人 英法签署协议 打击非法移民 The world this week--Politics 本周国际要闻--政治 The G20 summit in Bali concluded with a strongly worded statement condemning Russias invasion of Ukraine and demanding its immediate withdrawal. 在巴厘岛举行的二十国集团峰会以一份
  • 2022年经济学人 FTX破产波及百万债权人 The world this week--Business 本周国际要闻--商业 Regulators around the world opened investigations into FTX, after the crypto exchange and its sprawling network of affiliated firms filed for bankruptcy protection. 世界各地的监管机构对
  • 2022年经济学人 印度尼西亚的伊玛目为环保做出贡献(1) Indonesias imams are doing their bit for the environment. 印度尼西亚的伊玛目正在为环境做出自己的贡献。 Jakarta is constantly under aquatic assault, from above and below. 雅加达不断受到暴雨和洪水的冲击。 Last mont
  • 2022年经济学人 印度尼西亚的伊玛目为环保做出贡献(2) The Indonesian Ulema Council (mui), the top body of religious scholars, is also involved. 宗教学者的最高机构印尼伊斯兰教法学者理事会(MUI)也参与其中。 Over the past decade it has issued a series of fatwas, or non-binding
  • 2022年经济学人 ESG的韧性(1) Finance economics 财经板块 Buttonwood: The tenacity of ESG 梧桐树:ESG的韧性 A green-investing boom has not been followed by bust 绿色投资的繁荣过后,萧条并未袭来 The standard story of 2021s green-finance boom goes somethin
  • 2022年经济学人 ESG的韧性(2) Sustainable-fund managers point out that their investors are not overly bothered by short-term returns. 可持续基金经理指出,他们的投资者并不过分担心短期回报。 People putting money into ESG believe the energy transition is n
  • 2022年经济学人 动物也有创造力?(1) Culture 文化板块 Book review: Animal creativity 书评:动物的创造力 Primal instincts 原始本能 The Creative Lives of Animals. By Carol Gigliotti. 《动物的创造性生活》卡罗尔吉利奥蒂著 In 1960 Jane Goodall, a British pr
  • 2022年经济学人 动物也有创造力?(2) Ms Gigliotti says it would be an error to assume that animal creativity has to match the human version, though some examples turn out to be inarguably appealing to the human eye. 吉利奥蒂称,动物的创造力必定与人类的创造力完全相同
  • 2022年经济学人 佩洛西宣布辞职 接任者或为黑人 The world this week--Politics 本周国际要闻--政治 Russian bombs and missiles have damaged half of Ukraines power systems, said the Ukrainian government. 乌克兰政府表示,俄罗斯的炸弹和导弹已经破坏了乌克兰一半的电力系
  • 2022年经济学人 伊格尔重返迪士尼任CEO The world this week--Business 本周国际要闻--商业 In a shock move, Disney ousted Bob Chapek as chief executive after just 33 months in the job, and brought back Bob Iger, the previous CEO, to replace him. 令人震惊的是,迪士尼解除了上
  • 2022年经济学人 实验室人造红细胞已被输入人体(1) Blood not so simple. 血液不简单。 Red cells made in a laboratory have been infused into people. 实验室人造红细胞已被输入人体。 Until the 1940s, blood transfusions often went wrong because some of the main blood-group systems, suc
  • 2022年经济学人 实验室人造红细胞已被输入人体(2) The next step is to measure just how long the manufactured cells actually do last. 下一步是检测人造红细胞的实际寿命。 To that end, they have been tagged with a special radioactive dye commonly used in medicine to track things around
  • 2022年经济学人 欧洲为什么害怕量化紧缩?(1) Finance economics 财经板块 European finance: Frightening tightening 欧洲金融:可怕的紧缩 Europes central bankers are nervous about unwinding quantitative easing. 欧洲央行行长们对退出量化宽松感到紧张。 Central banks ar