纪录片《费马最后的定理》 第01期 引言
Perhaps I could best describe my experience of doing mathematics in terms of entering a dark mansion. 或许描述我研究数学的经历最恰当的比方,就是进入一个黑暗的大宅中 Because, when one goes into the first room and it's da
纪录片《费马最后的定理》 第02期 尝试解决难题
This is the story of one man's obsession with the world's greatest mathematical problem. 这个故事是关于一个人对于世界上最大数学难题的沉迷 For seven years Professor ANDREW WILES worked in complete secrecy, creating the calculat
纪录片《费马最后的定理》 第03期 勾股定理
Pierre de Fermat was a 17th-century French mathematician who made some of the greatest breakthroughs in the history of numbers. 皮埃尔德费马是17世纪时期的法国数学家,他在数学历史上成就了一些最伟大的突破。 His insp
纪录片《费马最后的定理》 第04期 没有写出来的证明
X squared plus y squared equals zee squared, and you can ask: x+y=z,你可以问: well what are the whole numbers solutions of this equation? 那么这个等式的整数解是什么? And you quickly find there's a solution 3 squared plus 4 square
纪录片《费马最后的定理》 第05期 数学家们的不断尝试
Fermat made lots of marginal notes. 费马写了相当多的页栏笔记 People took them as challenges and over the centuries every single one of them has been disposed of, 人们将那些视为挑战,数世纪以来,其中的每一条都已被解
纪录片《费马最后的定理》 第06期 数学证明
Well how many numbers are there to beat that with? 要这么做的话得要试多少个数? You've got to do it for infinitely many numbers. 你得要这么试上无穷无尽的数字 So after you've done it for one, how much closer have you got? 那么
纪录片《费马最后的定理》 第07期 椭圆曲线
In the 70s Fermat was no longer in fashion. 70年代时,费马不再热门 At the same time Andrew Wiles was just beginning his career as a mathematician. 与此同时,安德鲁怀尔斯正开始其作为数学家的生涯。 He went to Cambridge
纪录片《费马最后的定理》 第08期 日本数学家登场
It looks so simple yet the complexity, especially arithmetic complexity, is immense. 它看来如此简单,然而其复杂性,尤其是几何复杂性,极大。 Every point on the doughnut is the solution to an equation. 甜甜圈上的每个点都
纪录片《费马最后的定理》 第09期 关于模形式
Together, Taniyama and Shimura worked on the complex mathematics of modular functions. 谷山丰和志村五郎一起进行模函数方面复杂数学的研究 I really can't explain what a modular function is in one sentence. 我实在不能用一句话
纪录片《费马最后的定理》 第10期 谷山-志村猜想
In 1955 there was an international symposium and Taniyama posed two or three problems. 在1955年的一次国际学术报告会上,谷山丰提出了两三个问题。 The problems posed by Taniyama led to the extraordinary claim that 谷山丰提的
纪录片《费马最后的定理》 第11期 谷山丰自杀
I think that when Shirmura and Taniyama first started talking about 我认为谷山丰和志村五郎开始讨论 the relationship between elliptic curves and modular forms, people were very incredulous. 椭圆曲线和模形式之间的关系时,大
纪录片《费马最后的定理》 第12期 两者之间的关联
Taniyama-Shimura went on to become one of the great unproven conjectures. 谷山-志村猜想仍旧是一个未经验证的大猜想。 But what did it have to do with Fermat's last theorem? 但它和费马最后定理间有什么关系? At that ti
纪录片《费马最后的定理》 第13期 提出Epsilon猜想
Frey showed how starting with a fictitious solution to Fermat's last equation 弗莱展示出如何从费马最后定理的一个假定解着手, if such a horrible, beast existed, he could make an elliptic curve with some very weird properties. 如果
纪录片《费马最后的定理》 第14期 着手攻克谷山-志村猜想
I saw Barry Mazur on the campus and I said let's go for a cup of coffee 我在校园里看到巴里梅休尔,就说一起去喝杯咖啡吧, and we sat down for cappuccinos at this cafe and I looked at Barry and I said you know, 我们在这间咖啡
纪录片《费马最后的定理》 第15期 安德鲁专心进行证明
Andrew abandoned all his other research. 安德鲁放弃了其它所有的研究工作。 He cut himself off from the rest of the world and for the next seven years 在接下来的七年里,他将自己隔绝于外部世界, he concentrated solel