纪录片《非洲》 第76期:撒哈拉沙漠(17)
搜索 复制 The crew have three weeks to gather the footage they need. 摄制组有三周时间收集影像素材 We're going to try a tracking shot on this ant nest. 我们试着用推拉镜头拍摄这处蚁穴 Moving forward towards it, 像这样向
纪录片《非洲》 第77期:撒哈拉沙漠(18)
搜索 复制 It's big and they have a lot of poison in his dark thing. 他体型硕大 而且黑色部分带有大量毒液 What, that thing there? 是那里吗 Don't! Oh, my god! 别动 我的天 Don't touch it! 千万别碰 The scorpion will be re
纪录片《非洲》 第78期:撒哈拉沙漠(19)
搜索 复制 There he goes! 他过来了 He's gone ten centimetres in four seconds, 他4秒钟内爬行了10厘米 but we're running at 500 frames a second, 但我们是500帧一秒 which is 20 times normal time. 比正常时间慢了20倍 So in fac
纪录片《非洲》 第79期:撒哈拉沙漠(20)
搜索 复制 Ant-letics! 蚂蚁健将 Knowing the exact speed of the ants is all well and good, 测算银蚁速度的任务已经圆满完成 but there's still a great deal of work to be done 但仍有很多工作要做 before the shoot finishes. 拍摄
纪录片《非洲》 第80期:撒哈拉沙漠(21)
搜索 复制 I think these ants are stunning looking. 我觉得这些蚂蚁长相太神奇了 Near-impossible to film, I think, because of the speed they had. 几乎不可能拍到 因为他们太快了 But, you know, I've come to love them over the
纪录片《非洲》 第81期:撒哈拉沙漠(22)
搜索 复制 That is amazing, the camera's still here. 太好了 相机还在 I guess maybe it just took 我猜砸碎外面的 them so long to get through the toughened plastic, 钢化保护材料花了他们不少的时间 that they felt they had m
纪录片《非洲》 第82期:非洲的未来(1)
搜索 复制 Africa. 非洲 In the four years of making this series, 拍摄这个系列的四年里 we've been to some astonishing places 我们去过很多令人称奇的地方 and seen animals behaving in ways that have never been filmed before. 见
纪录片《非洲》 第83期:非洲的未来(2)
This animal has become the world's number-one target for poachers. 眼前的动物现已成为偷猎者的第一目标 Its kind has been hunted almost to the point of extinction. 偷猎行为已致其陷入濒临灭绝的境地 It's now so rare 如今犀
纪录片《非洲》 第84期:非洲的未来(3)
搜索 复制 In Chinese medicine, 在中医里 it's believed that rhino horn can reduce fever 犀牛角能减缓发热症状 and some Vietnamese sell it as a cure for everything, 一些越南人则把它当做万能药在卖 from cancer to hangovers
纪录片《非洲》 第85期:非洲的未来(4)
搜索 复制 'Black rhinos are critically endangered.' 黑犀牛濒临灭绝 That is what here, at Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, 那正是我们莱瓦野生动物保护组织 we're trying to do, 正在努力做得事情 save the animal, 拯救动物 pr
纪录片《非洲》 第86期:非洲的未来(5)
搜索 复制 Mission accomplished. 成功完成任务 It's been an ordeal, but now, 过程虽然很折磨 但是现在 this rhino can be tracked and protected for the rest of her life. 那头犀牛终身都可以被追踪和保护 Within minutes, sh
纪录片《非洲》 第87期:非洲的未来(6)
搜索 复制 Here, in the Kalahari, a starlight camera reveals 在喀拉哈里沙漠 星光摄像机显示 that they may be much more sociable than many thought. 他们比我们想象中更懂得社交 This water-hole gathering 聚集在水坑旁的大
纪录片《非洲》 第88期:非洲的未来(7)
搜索 复制 The human population of the continent 非洲大陆的人口 has just exceeded one billion. 刚刚超过了十亿 And many wild animals are being hunted commercially for food. 许多野生动物被猎杀以获取食物 Some, legally, 有些
纪录片《非洲》 第89期:非洲的未来(8)
搜索 复制 In recent years, 近年来 hungry lions have increasingly been killing livestock. 饥饿的狮子捕食牲畜的现象越来越多发 One group of traditional Maasai 一群传统的马萨伊人 have reacted in a very untraditional way. 以
纪录片《非洲》 第90期:非洲的未来(9)
搜索 复制 I met Olubi and some of the other warriors in his village 我和奥卢比及村庄里的其他战士会面 to find out about their relationship with the local pride. 以了解他们和当地狮群的关系 How many lions are there aroun
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