纪录片《猫的秘密》 第1期 爱猫
The thing I love about cats is that they're very independent, 我喜欢猫的地方在于他们很独立 but very loving. 但很有爱 - You can play with them. - They're comforting. -你可以和他们玩儿 -他们让你开心 They're furry. 他们毛
纪录片《猫的秘密》 第2期 猫的生活
Good boy! Are you wanting to go outside 好孩子 你想出去转转吗 and we can see what you're doing with that camera on? 让我们用摄像机看看你都去干嘛了好吗 They'll be wearing specially designed cat cameras to show us 他们将戴着
纪录片《猫的秘密》 第3期 主人想要了解猫
I'm going to find Shamley on the map for us. 我要在地图上找到杉莫利 John Bradshaw and Sarah Ellis 约翰布拉德肖和萨拉艾利斯 are two of Britain's leading cat scientists. 是英国两位猫类前沿科学家 It should sweep round
纪录片《猫的秘密》 第4期 猫的行为
But despite their popularity, 但除了他们的数量之外 scientists know surprisingly little about their behaviour 科学家们对他们在猫洞之外的行为 once they've left the cat flap. 了解得却出奇的少 Got a fairly wide range of t
纪录片《猫的秘密》 第5期 走得远的猫
The scientists are looking to recruit 50 cats of all ages, 科学家们打算招募不同年龄 sizes and breeds. 体型和品种的五十只猫 I've got three cats, if that's any good! 我有三只猫 如果可以的话 I've got one. 我有一只 On
纪录片《猫的秘密》 第6期 猫的普通生活
Everyone's gathered in the village hall to meet the scientists 大家聚集到镇里的市政厅跟科学家们见面 and find out more about what the study will involve. 了解这项研究的更多信息 We want to get a picture of your cat's natura
纪录片《猫的秘密》 第7期 大型猫科动物
The technology that Alan has developed for the big cats 艾伦开发出来用在这些大型猫科动物身上的 is an advanced GPS tracker. 是一种先进的GPS追踪器 It tracks the animal's position, speed 它追踪动物的位置 速度 and ho
纪录片《猫的秘密》 第8期 动物项链
He now has to do the same for our pet moggies 现在他要把这项技术缩小化 by miniaturising his technology. 来对我们的宠物猫进行监测 And today, he's testing it out for the first time. 今天 他要进行第一次测试 This is Zac
纪录片《猫的秘密》 第9期 秘密拍摄猫
Fantastic! 太棒了 Give her another stroke. 再摸摸她 Excellent, and let her eat. 很好 让她吃东西 - Have one of these. - More food for him? -吃点这个 -再给他点吃的吧 Amazing. 太神奇了 Within a few days, we've got 50 collars
纪录片《猫的秘密》 第10期 巡逻地盘
Brutus, who simply patrols around his home. 布鲁特斯只在自己家附近巡视 Molly, who's drawn to the neighbouring wood. 茉莉跑去了附近的树林 And Ginger, who heads out to a neighbour's house. 而小姜则直接跑去了邻居家 The
纪录片《猫的秘密》 第11期 猫的神秘世界
He tends to travel quite a range 他喜欢在某特定时间 in this one particular time period. 出去大范围巡视 But Sooty is unusual. 但苏提并不寻常 In the heart of the village 在镇子中部 the average male cat 普通的公猫 goes j
纪录片《猫的秘密》 第12期 宠物猫溜达
Even if they don't go far from the cat flap, 虽然他们离家并不远 they are still busy patrolling round and round the same area. 但他们仍忙于一遍遍地巡视同样一片区域 Which do you think is the one who's travelled furthest? 哪一
纪录片《猫的秘密》 第13期 猫在巡视
Quite a rush to get to this point 我们很匆忙地赶到这里 and so many things could have gone wrong, 很多事情都有可能出错 they don't seem to have done so so far, 还好现在一切都还正常 so I'm really pleased, really excited 所以
纪录片《猫的秘密》 第14期 逗猫
The cat's welfare is the first priority. 猫猫的舒适度是第一要义 The cameras are very light, 相机非常轻 and will be fitted onto quick-release collars 装在一个可以快速解开的项圈上 in case they get caught up. 防止他们被拌
纪录片《猫的秘密》 第15期 两只猫打架
For some cats, the privet hedges and gravel paths 对一些猫来说 我们后花园外的 off our back gardens are a battle ground. 女贞树篱和砾石小径就是战场 There was one cat that came into the garden. 曾经有只猫进了花园 It w