Carrie. Youre the older one,. You cant take the bait. 凯莉,你是姐姐,让着点 I have teeth marks on my arm. 我的手臂上还有她的牙印。 I know that Dorrit can be difficult. But... Your mom would want you two to get along. 我知道多
《凯莉日记》第2期: 失去妈妈的我,不可怜
Uh,not that dress. 别选那条裙子 She wore it on her last birthday. You could spill something on it or rip it, you know? 这是她最后一次生日穿的.你可能会把汤泼上去或者撕破它 Really? 真的给我吗? Yeah.Just...try not t
I'd be a lot better if I didn't feel like everyone was staring at me. 要是大家不盯着我看 感觉会更好 Please. No one is even looking at you. 得了吧 根本没人看你 Believe it or not, I think Mags actually meant that as a compliment.
You stole my hiding place. 你占用了我的秘密花园 You hang out here a lot? 你经常来这里吗 Yeah. Yeah, it's a pretty good escape. 是啊 这是个躲清净的好地方 You had a lot to get away from. 你有很多事要逃避 If only I c
《凯莉日记》第5期: 曼哈顿?不是吧?
Thanks for keeping an eye on her. 谢谢你替我看着她 Of course, Mr. Bradshaw. 没事 布莱肖先生 I better head back in. 我最好回去了 Oh. I'll call you later. - Okay.Bye. 我之后再打给你 -好的 拜 I'm taking you home. 我带你回
《凯莉日记》第6期: 凯莉, 准备好了吗?
It's covered in nail polish. 沾上指甲油了 Oh--oh, my god. 天啊 It's ruined. Why did you do that? 没法用了 你为什么要这么做 I didn't mean to. The bottle must have broke. 我不是故意的 肯定是瓶子坏了 You wanted to destro
《凯莉日记》第7期: 这是我曼哈顿爱情故事的起点
Manhattan was a lot like my purse-- Damaged, and it had seen better days. But I wouldn't have traded that purse for this moment for anything. 曼哈顿和我的包很像 伤痕累累 今非昔比 但现在的包我千金不换 Is this it? 到了吗 Y
《凯莉日记》第8期: 改变自己的身份
And you get a half-hour for lunch. And may I suggest you go get yourself a pair of stockings during that time? 你有半小时的午餐时间 我建议你利用那段时间 买一双新丝袜 Of course. I-I fell, and they ripped, and where would I--
《凯莉日记》第9期: 说曹操曹操到
Oh, it's early. The night's just beginning. 这么早 夜晚才刚刚开始 No, I-I, um, have a thing at my dad's in the morning. I gotta go. 不了 我回我爸家早上还有事 我得走了 Okay. 好吧 Maybe it was the champagne or the dancing or
《凯莉日记》第10期: 担起你妈妈的责任
Kiddo. 姑娘 I'm--I'm sorry. 对不起 Don't be. You know... I saw a lot of your mother in you today. 没必要 要知道 今天我在你身上看到了你妈的影子 Because I lost it? 因为我发脾气吗 When you were little, and you'd do somet
《凯莉日记》第11期: 没有什么能阻止我
Figuring out who I was and finding my voice wasn't going to be easy, 寻找自我 给自己定调并不容易 But I was pretty sure it was going to be a lot of fun. 但我非常确定 这个过程会很有趣 They say that the eyes are the window to
My grounding had been frustrating... and surprisingly fun for me and Dorrit. 我被禁足很让人不爽 但我和多莉特意外地相处愉快 I'm gonna kill you! Only if you can catch me! 我要杀了你 只要你能抓到我 No! Bull's-eye! Now y
《凯莉日记》第13期: 终于说实话了
In two weeks, my purse will be in Interview Magazine. 两周内 我的手提包就会上《访谈》杂志 You're gonna be famous. 你会一夜成名的 Well, my bag will be. 我的包包会 You still wanna hang with me when your bag's so important? 你
《凯莉日记》第14期: 他如果是真心的 他会等的
It's because of Carrie? 是因为凯莉吗 Apparently, enough happened that she's all snuggled up in your clothes. 显然 她都依偎在你的外套里 发生的够多了 I mean, it was cold out. 当时外面很冷 Were you playing night golf? 你们在
《凯莉日记》第15期: 她迷人的曼哈顿就会消失于我的生命
All of these documents need to be collated, and then bound in binders. There should be 60 of them. And I need it by end of business today. Okay. 整理这些文件 装订起来 应该是60份 下班之前给我 -好的 Some woman with a hoity-toity a