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  • 美国小学英语教材1:第1课 玩具象 The Toy Elephant 玩具象 Tom and Polly had a new toy. 汤姆和波莉有一个新玩具。 It was a little gray elephant. 它是一只灰色的小象。 His name was Jumbo. 他的名字叫金宝。 I like Jumbo, said Polly. 我喜欢金宝,波莉说
  • 美国小学英语教材1:第2课 小兔哥 Bunny Boy 小兔哥 Bunny Boy was a white rabbit. 小兔哥是只小白兔。 He was a happy rabbit. 它是只快乐的小兔子。 Bunny Boy liked to play with Anny and Ned. 小兔哥喜欢跟安妮和奈德一起玩耍。 He liked to play with Spot
  • 美国小学英语教材1:第3课 雪中趣事 Fun in the Snow 雪中趣事 The boys and girls were happy. 男孩们和女孩们都很开心。 They were playing in the snow. 他们正在雪中玩耍。 Some were making snow balls. 有的在滚雪球。 Some were making a snow man on the hill. 有的
  • 美国小学英语教材1:第4课 雨中趣事 Fun in the Rain 雨中趣事 Down, down came the rain. 雨下啊下。 Patty and Joe were in the house. 帕蒂和乔待在屋里。 They wanted to play in the rain. 他们想到雨中玩耍。 Please, Mother, they said. 求你了,妈妈,他们说。
  • 美国小学英语教材1:第5课 我的跷跷板 My See-saw 我的跷跷板 Polly has a pony, 波莉有匹小马, A pony white and brown. 小马棕白相间, And Billy has a wagon, 比利有辆马车, To take him into town. 马车载他去镇上。 But I have made a see-saw, 而我做了个跷跷
  • 美国小学英语教材1:第6课 风和玩具 The wind and the Toys 风和玩具 Billy was coming down the street in his big red wagon. 比利乘着他的大红马车走在大街上。 Little Toy Dog and Little Toy Cat were in the wagon with him. 玩具小狗和玩具小猫和他一起坐在马车
  • 美国小学英语教材1:第7课 兔宝宝的恶作剧 Bunny Plays a Trick 兔宝宝的恶作剧 Bunny Rabbit lived in a big hole under a tree. 兔宝宝住在树下的大洞里。 He lived with his mother. 它和它妈妈住在一起。 One day Bunny said, Now I am a big rabbit. 一天兔宝宝跟妈妈说
  • 美国小学英语教材1:第8课 波比的惊喜 A Surprise for Bobby 波比的惊喜 Every summer Bobby went to see his grandfather and grandmother. 每年夏天,波比都会去探望他的祖父和祖母。 They lived on a farm. 他们住在农场里。 Bobby liked to go to the farm. 波比喜欢
  • 美国小学英语教材1:第9课 冠蓝鸦之树 The Bluejay Tree 冠蓝鸦之树 Some bluejays lived in an oak tree in a big yard. 一些冠蓝鸦住在大院子的橡树上。 They liked to eat acorns. 它们喜欢吃橡子。 Every morning Father Bluejay said, Come, little bluejays. 每天清晨,
  • 美国小学英语教材1:第10课 小熊和蜂蜜 Little Bear and the Honey 小熊和蜂蜜 Once there was a little brown bear who lived in the woods. 从前,森林里住着一只小棕熊。 One fine summer morning he went for a walk. 一个晴朗的夏日清晨,它出去散步。 He wanted to
  • 美国小学英语教材1:第11课 马戏团的小象 The Circus Elephant 马戏团的小象 Baby Elephant was not happy. 小象很不开心。 I don't like the circus, he said. 我不喜欢这个马戏团,它说。 I don't want to put on a funny hat and do tricks for boys and girls. 我不想戴着滑稽
  • 美国小学英语教材1:第12课 小鸭叫嘎嘎 Little Duck Says Quack 小鸭叫嘎嘎 Once a little yellow duck went for a walk. 从前,有只小黄鸭外出散步。 As it went along the road, it met a gray kitten. 当它走在路上的时候,碰到了一只小灰猫。 Mew, mew, said the ki
  • 美国小学英语教材1:第13课 猪妈妈的玩笑 Mother Pig's Joke 猪妈妈的玩笑 Once upon a time a little pig lived in a little house. 从前,有一只小猪住在一座小房子里。 He lived there with his mother. 他和他妈妈一起住在那里。 Two very fine apple trees grew in Mot
  • 美国小学英语教材1:第14课 卡罗和大鸟 Carlo and the Big Bird 卡罗和大鸟 Carlo was a big dog. 卡罗是一只大狗。 He lived with Grandfather on the farm. 他和祖父住在农场里。 Carlo was a good farm dog. 卡罗是一只很好的农场狗。 He helped Grandfather. 它是祖父
  • 美国小学英语教材1:第15课 橡皮糖树 The Gum-drop Tree 橡皮糖树 One fine morning Bobby Squirrel was playing. 一个晴朗的早上,松鼠波比正在玩耍。 The sun was shining, and he was very happy. 那天太阳灿烂,他非常开心。 He ran up and down trees. 他一会儿在