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  • 美国语文第六册 第31期:受惊的艺术家(7) How transparent is the water! 瞧,画上那水多清澈啊! What life breathes in the animals that quench their thirst at that spring! 在清泉旁饮水的动物生活得多惬意啊! How that steeple shines! How beautiful are those clustering
  • 美国语文第六册 第32期:受惊的艺术家(8) Ten thousand! vociferated the tall man, his face crimson with rage, and his hands clinched convulsively. 10000泰勒!这位高个子男人高声喝道,因为愤怒脸上泛出紫红色,双手痉挛般地紧攥着。 The dealer grew paler; his f
  • 美国语文第六册 第33期:受惊的艺术家(9) The possessor was proceeding homeward, when a decrepit, lame, and humpbacked invalid, tottering along by the aid of a stick, presented himself before him. 当身体衰朽、一瘸一拐并且弯腰驼背的杜霍布赖特拄着一根棍子,踟蹰地朝
  • 美国语文第六册 第34期:记忆中的画 Among the beautiful pictures That hang on Memory's wall, 在那些美轮美奂的画中间挂在记忆墙上的, Is one of a dim old forest, That seemeth best of all; 是古老的森林一抹幽暗,似乎在其中画工最善; Not for its gnarl
  • 美国语文第六册 第35期:早晨的清唱剧(1) Nature, for the delight of waking eyes, has arrayed the morning heavens in the loveliest hues of beauty. 因为大自然高兴地睁着眼睛,所以在清晨的天空排列出最沁人心脾的光轮。 Fearing to dazzle by an excess of delight, sh
  • 美国语文第六册 第36期:早晨的清唱剧(2) In the morning, at this time of year, on the contrary, we are overpowered by the vocal and multitudinous chorus of the feathered tribe. 与之形成鲜明对比的是,每年这个季节的清晨,我们都会被长着羽毛的族类那动听和多声
  • 美国语文第六册 第37期:早晨的清唱剧(3) The different species follow rapidly, one after another, in the chorus, until the whole welkin rings with their matin hymn of gladness. 不同种类的鸟儿快速聚集过来,一只接一只,汇成多声部大合唱,直到整个苍穹羽翼飞舞
  • 美国语文第六册 第38期:早晨的清唱剧(4) But at this later moment the purple martins have commenced their more melodious chattering, 但是过了一会儿,紫色雨燕便开始更悦耳动听地歌唱, so loud as to attract for a while the most of our attention. 声音高亢到足以引起
  • 美国语文第六册 第39期:早晨的清唱剧(5) The little hairbird still continues his almost incessant chirping, the first to begin and the last to quit the performance. 小小的梳妆鸟依旧在无休止地啾鸣,先是第一只开始,直到最后一只停止表演。 Though the voice of
  • 美国语文第六册 第40期:早晨的清唱剧(6) There is no confusion in the notes of his song, which consists of one syllable rapidly repeated, 从它的歌声听不到音调混乱,一个单音快速重复, but increasing in rapidity and rising to a higher key towards the conclusion. 但是不断
  • 美国语文第六册 第41期:诗歌采英(1) The Cloud. 云彩 By John Wilson 约翰威尔逊 A cloud lay cradled near the setting sun, 一抹云彩像摇篮一样挂在落日近处, A gleam of crimson tinged its braided snow; 深红色的光束染红了辫子状的雪地; Long had I watche
  • 美国语文第六册 第42期:诗歌采英(2) A Good Name. 好名声 From Shakespeare.Othello, Act III, Scene III. 选自莎士比亚:《奥瑟罗》,第三幕第三场 Good name, in man or woman, dear my lord, 我亲爱的大人,无论男人女人,名誉 Is the immediate jewel of their
  • 美国语文第六册 第43期:诗歌采英(3) Old Age And Death. 老年和死亡 By Edmund Waller 埃德蒙沃尔勒 The seas are quiet when the winds give o'er; 风过后海面波澜不兴, So calm are we when passions are no more. 当我们激情不再时,内心竟如此平静。 For then
  • 美国语文第六册 第44期:耐儿之死(1) She was dead. No sleep so beautiful and calm, so free from trace of pain, so fair to look upon. 她死了。没有哪种睡眠能够如此美丽和平静,如此没有丝毫痛苦的迹象,看上去又那般端庄。 She seemed a creature fresh fr
  • 美国语文第六册 第45期:耐儿之死(2) at the door of the poor schoolmaster on the summer evening, before the furnace fire upon the cold wet night, 夏日的黄昏立在那可怜的教师门口,寒冷潮湿的夜晚睡在那座熔炉的前面, at the still bedside of the dying boy, th