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  • 迷你对话学地道口语第61期:喜怒无常 迷你对话: A:Look! The girl is so beautiful and she is smiling at me. She is lovely. 看!那个女孩真漂亮,她对着我笑呢。她真是很可爱。 B:I can't agree with you. She's pretty, but she always blows hot and cold. 我不同意你
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第62期:面红耳赤 迷你对话: A:You are blue in the face, arn't you? 你面红耳赤的,生气啦? B:The cat has eaten my fish, I'll kill it. 猫吃了我的鱼,我要杀了它。 A:But supposing your son killed like the fish, what do you think then? 假如你
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第63期:突然发生 迷你对话: A:Please tell us the exact time when the big fire broke out. 请告诉我们大火发生的确切时间。 B:The exact time? Let me think. You know, it happened at night. 确切时间?让我想一想。你知道,火灾是晚上发生
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第64期:偶遇 迷你对话: A:Is this watch yours? 这是你的手表吗? B:No, it isn't mine. I blundered upon it under the sofa. Do youknow whose watch it is? 不,不是我的。我是在沙发下面捡到的。你知道是谁的吗? A:Let me have a look
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第65期:厚颜无耻 迷你对话: A:Didn't Joe feel it a shame to live on his parents since he has graduated from college? 难道Joe大学毕业后仍靠父母生活不觉得难为情吗? B:He has no sense. 他没有一点感觉。 A:If I were him, I wouldn'tbrazen
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第66期:决裂分手 迷你对话: A:What will happen to the children if you break up? 如果你们分手了,孩子们怎么办? B:That's a relief for me and a misery for the children. 对我来说这是解脱,对孩子来说是一场灾难。 A:Why don't you mak
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第67期:催促迫使 迷你对话: A:Hurry up! Time is money! 快点!时间就是金钱。 B:Don't build a fire under me. I know the importance of time. 别催我,我知道时间的重要性。 A:But you are too slow to follow them. 但是你太慢了,跟不上他们
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第68期:基础不牢固 迷你对话: A :They got a divorce at last. 他们最终还是离婚了。 B:It's inenvitable. Their love wasbuilt on the sand, and this is why their marriage has landed on the rocks. 这是不可避免的,他们的爱情缺乏坚实的基础,这
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第69期:插嘴 迷你对话: A:Why are you so rude to your wife? 你为什么对你的妻子这么无礼粗鲁。 B:I didn't like her butting in where I didn't want her. She's a chatter box. 我不喜欢他干涉我的事情,她老是唠唠叨叨的讲个不停。
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第70期:取缔剔除 迷你对话: A:It's said that the goverment will clamp down on the new policy. 据说政府呀取缔那项新政策了。 B:Are you sure of that? 你干肯定吗? A:I am not certain about that. 我也不确信这个消息。 B:They may have some
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第72期:马路上的凹坑 迷你对话: A:Dad, you've been driving for three hours. Why don't we have a switch? 爸爸,你都可开了三个小时了,咱们换换吧。 B:There're a lot of chuckholes on this old highway. Driving on it is experience-demanding. 这条老路
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第73期:扣人心弦的故事 迷你对话: A:Your husband is very helpful, isn't he? 你的丈夫能帮上你很多忙,不是吗? B:Willing to help, maybe, but not as helpful as you think. 也许他挺愿意帮忙的,可是不像你想像中的那样能帮上忙。 A:Rea
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第74期:左右逢源 迷你对话: A:May doesn't get along very well with her mother-in-law. 玫和她的婆媳相处不好。 B:Yeah. That's just what is troubling John. 是呀,那就是John烦心的事情。 A:Poor John! He isbettering bother sides of this bread. 可
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第75期:单相思 迷你对话: A:John hasn't got married up to now. 约翰迄今为止还未结婚了。 B:Don't you know that he has beencarrying a torch forMary for years? 难道你不知道他这么多年来一直单恋着玛丽吗? A:Really? Does Mary know th
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第76期:转瞬即逝 迷你对话: A:You married Joe, didn't you? 你和Joe结婚了吧? B:Joe? I don't know what you mean. Joe? 我不知道你在说什么。 A:I remember you are in love. 我记得你们在谈恋爱。 B:Oh, I took a shine to him when we met for th